I am getting the following error while trying to connect to the automation node using the python api client requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dataiku-auto.fg.rbc.com', port=443):…
As of 18 feb 2022, newly createdpython 3.7+ code envs may fail to train models with the following error message : MarkupSafe>=2.0.1,<2.1.0 This is due to Markupsafe releasing a new version incompatibl…
Hi, i am trying to administrate DSS with Dataiku DSS modules via ansible and I am getting this error: "msg":"SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:618)" how can …
Hello, I'm often performing access and account controls on users in a LDAP server (Active Directory to be precise), I would like to have the ability to directly connect to the LDAP server and import s…
Hi, I would like to set the project's security settings in automated way during the deployment. Does DSS API support this kind of action? If not, is there any way how to do that? (dssadmin?) Thanks
I have some code where I need to run an HDFS command in Python to check if a file is present. See below for an example: import subproces command = 'hdfs dfs -ls /sandbox' ssh = subprocess.Popen(comman…
When I try to import a dataset on this project, I get a message "Not authorized Your user profile does not allow you to write project content", I have checked my user profile and found both data scien…
I setup a connection to elasticsearch and configure it to ignore server certificate verification by checking:"Trust any SSL certificate". The test connection gives me a positive result so my connectio…
We can access a given dataset using the DSS REST API, but we would like this dataset not to be written on while it is accessed. 1) Is it possible to check whether a dataset is currently modified using…