Plugins & Extending Dataiku
install_plugin_from_archive sdk method - does not provides option to update already installed plugin
Hello My requirment was to install the plugin if it dos not exists and if it exists it should update the existing plugin. For the first part I was able to use "install_plugin_from_archive" method from sdk/client, but don't see any flag or separate method in update the already installed plugin. Can someone throw light on…
Dataiku Webapp "Answers" not working with Google Cloud LLMs
Hi, I am currently testing the feature of the LLMs in Dataiku DSS and I am using the visual Webapp "Answers" to test some models. I created the connection to Google Vertex AI and loaded the Gemini Pro and the Bison LLMs, the connection seems to work but when I test it in the Webapp it does not load. I am using the dataset…
Send email plugin sends email one at a time and its very slow
Hey I'm doing PoC using send emails plugin, but when I tried to send 1.6k emails it took around 1 hr 26 min to complete. Is there better solution to this ? Operating system used: Linux
Updating packages of versioned code environments throught the API
I am working on a script which pulls up each code environment from the automation node and do a package update. When I run the script I am getting this version error, after get the latest version of the code env, update package() doesn't have an parameter for code version. How to specify a version in update_packages() ?…
Why is there a limit of 75 Columns for Power Bi Exports?
I have a data set that I want to export to power bi. It will not let me export a file with more than 75 columns. Do not answer cut the file. I am not doing that. There is no problem exporting a dataset as a hyper file and using it as a data source in my tableau server. There should not be a problem with Power Bi.
can we Obfuscating plugin code
obfuscating plugin code written in python and the code should run in dataiku platform Operating system used: all
changing python code env
I am unable to change my python code env, I was creating a plugin ,I am unable to test it because every time I run it Dss uses default environment even if I explicitly select my environment with has Biopython installed , any help? [2024/08/16-01:57:09.508] [ActivityExecutor-39] [INFO] [dku] running…
Salesforce Plugin - Reports only 2000 records
Hello, Title says it pretty much. Is there a way to get more than 2000 records when using the Report recipe with the Salesforce plugin?
I could not find these plugins: Missing plugin
I could not find these plugins:Missing pluginBundle was created on a design node with plugins recommendation-system-cbf, sentiment-analysis but they're not installed
Using Neo4j plug-in to create relationships duplicates nodes
Hi, I have created unique identifier(s) for two types nodes in my graph. I first push the data on the nodes into Neo4j, using Export nodes recipe: Primary key is set to a column containing the unique identifier for the node. Then I push the data using the Export relationships recipe. Primary keys for source and target are…