Getting the below error when trying to ping of the SFTP folders in the dataiku instance:
Getting the below error when trying to ping of the SFTP folders in the dataiku instance: SSH error connecting to ftp1.str.com, caused by: JSchAlgoNegoFailException: Algorithm negotiation fail: algorithmName="server_host_key"…
Push to editable recipe
Hello, Could you take an example to use "Push to editable" recipe? It seems like group or windows.. What exactly is it used for?
"CASE types double precision and character varying cannot be matched" error in prepare recipe
I get the above error in prepare recipe, not trying to match anything.
Python API for fleet manager
Hi all, I am trying to connect to the FMClientAWS using the documentation here : But I am not sure what to use as key_id and key_secret. I could not find anything related to this in the FM UI. Can anyone help me with how to get these two values for my FM? Thanks! Operating system used: linux Operating system used: linux
SSH error connecting to ftp1.str.com, caused by: JSchAlgoNegoFailException: Algorithm negotiation fa
Getting the below error when trying to ping of the SFTP folders in the dataiku instance: SSH error connecting to ftp1.str.com, caused by: JSchAlgoNegoFailException: Algorithm negotiation fail: algorithmName="server_host_key"…
Embedding a link to download a dataset in scenario email report?
Hi, Our workflows take a user-defined data payload and create N datasets. Is it possible to add a hyperlink with the dataset name as the text and the link being the URL to download the dataset as a CSV file? thx Operating system used: Windows 10
How to change a Code Studio instance to use a new template?
Hi, Is it possible to change the Code Studio template used for an existing Code Studio instance? If not, can I duplicate it and change the Code Studio Template at that time? thx Operating system used: Windows 10
More documentation on project duplication argument duplication_mode?
Hi, Are there more details on what MINIMUM, SHARING, and FULL mean for this API: thx Operating system used: Windows 10
Storing API keys securely
Dear Dataiku Team, Thank you for all your good work with Dataiku environment - we are looking forward to using new functionality with Dataiku 7! We are now experimenting with builidng API connections in between nodes - I was able to establish the connection using the code from here: import dataikuapihost =…
[Simba][AthenaJDBC](100071) An error has been thrown from the AWS Athena client. TABLE_NOT_FOUND
I am reading data from S3 location but I am not able to use it unless I sync it first. Syncing this huge data takes lot of time. What is the best way to avoid this issue without syncing it?