Export Dashboard For Different Variable Values
Hi - Please see below my goal, methodology, and the challenge I am facing. Thanks in advance for your help. GOAL: I have a flow that takes a project variable while running. The output is then visualized on the dashboard. I would like to try different variable values and export the resulting dashboards. I have 10 different…
Testing SQL Connections
We want to test database connections in all our instances since our internal security policy is to change database passwords yearly and this invariably leads to some user connections being missed and this invariably leads to some user database connections being missed, the password expiring, flows failing, data not being…
Using sample.py after export model python
Hello, I’m trying to use the sample.py after unzipping the archive of a model I extracted. The model is a light gbm with a feature selection step. The version of the dss is 12.6.5 However the python script crash after the dummifier step with the error : Indexed_matrix.py Line 35 in _ remap _ key Remapped_key = (key[0],…
fekport': nan, what does this mean?
hello, everyone I'd like to ask about the cause of the result from executing the following code: client = dataiku.api_client() prj_key = dataiku.Project().project_key project = client.get_project(prj_key) scena = project.get_scenario(scenario_id) The result is: { … 'progress ': { … , 'fekport' : nan, …} … } In other…
Modify "Answers" WebApp Plugin
Hello all, I have DSS v13.1 , I want to modify the "Answers" plugin to add feature uploading documents (pdfs, images, excel, word …etc) , like the one used in chatgpt 4 for example . What is the best way to do so? Operating system used: Linux - Debian 11
How to uninstall a package within a codenv (or install a package without its dependencies) ?
Hello We would like to install a package A (ultralytics in our case) but without its dependency B (opencv-python) or to be able to install this package A and then remove one of its dependencies B. The reason behind is that ultralytics doesn't work properly with opencv-python, we need to remove it and install…
automation of insights export to pdf from notebook
I have a Dataiku notebook in a flow that creates various visualizations. After the visualizations are generated, I manually publish and export them as a PDF. I would like to automate this entire process, from generating the visualizations to publishing and exporting the PDF. Could someone guide me on how to automate this…
How to make TF-IDF vectorization on a textual column?
Hello, I am searching how to make a TF-IDF vectorization on a textual column in order to combine it after with a cosine similarity. Thanks.
Extracting data for a specific time range from Datatime
Hi. I want to extract data from 7 AM to 10 AM, regardless of the date, in Datetime, but I don't know how to do it. Thank you.
Convert String value to Date
We convert String " 29692" to Date "16-04-1981" using " =Value() " formula in excel. How can we convert the same string to Date in Dataiku