Interacting with Labeling Task through Python API
Hello, In my project, I am trying to do two different things with labelings tasks. 1- Automatically create a labeling class according with a registry dataset with the classes that should exists. 2- Get the URL of the labeling class though a Python API to send to slack webhook. This is a issue since I need to send the…
Convert String value to Date
We convert String " 29692" to Date "16-04-1981" using " =Value() " formula in excel. How can we convert the same string to Date in Dataiku
Extracting data for a specific time range from Datatime
Hi. I want to extract data from 7 AM to 10 AM, regardless of the date, in Datetime, but I don't know how to do it. Thank you.
Batch Processing for Custom API end point
I’ve developed a custom Python API endpoint for regression and successfully predicted outcomes for individual records. However, when I attempt to process a batch of records, I encounter the following error: "Failed: Could not parse a SinglePredictionQuery from request body, caused by: JsonSyntaxException: Expected a…
automation of insights export to pdf from notebook
I have a Dataiku notebook in a flow that creates various visualizations. After the visualizations are generated, I manually publish and export them as a PDF. I would like to automate this entire process, from generating the visualizations to publishing and exporting the PDF. Could someone guide me on how to automate this…
Timeseries forecasting with GPU / cuda 11
Hello, I am now trying to train a model with timeseries forecast by using GPU. OS: Ubuntu 22.04 Installed with apt-get on OS: libcudnn9-cuda-11 cuda-toolkit-11-8 libnccl2 I then created a new python env : when i use that environment in the model, I can see at first that it's fine since it shows me my GPU card : but when I…
Why is the recipe saying Dataset doesn't exist after the dataset has been created?
I am facing a strange issue where even after a dataset is getting created, the code is saying that dataset doesn't exists. Following is the function that I am using which has 3 steps - 1. Creating a table in the database 2. Creating a dataset in DSS and connecting it to the table created in 1 3. Writing a pandas dataframe…
Format Now() Date
In my recipe, I created a new column with Now(). I would like to format that date as 'mm-dd-yyyy'. However, the result is:
Extract flow into python / jupyter notebook
Hi! I built a working machine learning flow from data preparation and processing to modelling and prediction. Can I extract this flow as a python code or as an .ipynb file? Can you please elaborate this part in detail? Thanks! Operating system used: Windows Operating system used: Windows Operating system used: Windows
Governance API- Validation of Governance Approval for a specific bundle of a project
I am trying to a create a logic to validate the governance approval for a particular bundle of a project. Input params: PROJECT_KEY, BUNDLE_ID The python code should be able to validate the governance approval status and provide the result as approved, pending , rejected,etc. I am trying to use the…