Batch Processing for Custom API end point
I’ve developed a custom Python API endpoint for regression and successfully predicted outcomes for individual records. However, when I attempt to process a batch of records, I encounter the following error: "Failed: Could not parse a SinglePredictionQuery from request body, caused by: JsonSyntaxException: Expected a…
automation of insights export to pdf from notebook
I have a Dataiku notebook in a flow that creates various visualizations. After the visualizations are generated, I manually publish and export them as a PDF. I would like to automate this entire process, from generating the visualizations to publishing and exporting the PDF. Could someone guide me on how to automate this…
Timeseries forecasting with GPU / cuda 11
Hello, I am now trying to train a model with timeseries forecast by using GPU. OS: Ubuntu 22.04 Installed with apt-get on OS: libcudnn9-cuda-11 cuda-toolkit-11-8 libnccl2 I then created a new python env : when i use that environment in the model, I can see at first that it's fine since it shows me my GPU card : but when I…
Why is the recipe saying Dataset doesn't exist after the dataset has been created?
I am facing a strange issue where even after a dataset is getting created, the code is saying that dataset doesn't exists. Following is the function that I am using which has 3 steps - 1. Creating a table in the database 2. Creating a dataset in DSS and connecting it to the table created in 1 3. Writing a pandas dataframe…
Format Now() Date
In my recipe, I created a new column with Now(). I would like to format that date as 'mm-dd-yyyy'. However, the result is:
Extract flow into python / jupyter notebook
Hi! I built a working machine learning flow from data preparation and processing to modelling and prediction. Can I extract this flow as a python code or as an .ipynb file? Can you please elaborate this part in detail? Thanks! Operating system used: Windows Operating system used: Windows Operating system used: Windows
Governance API- Validation of Governance Approval for a specific bundle of a project
I am trying to a create a logic to validate the governance approval for a particular bundle of a project. Input params: PROJECT_KEY, BUNDLE_ID The python code should be able to validate the governance approval status and provide the result as approved, pending , rejected,etc. I am trying to use the…
Meaning-associated palettes not applying color
I made a user defined meaning with colors for each value, but my charts don't automatically pick up my colors. Are there any settings that I'm missing here? Some things I tried: I had a list of just Sharp and Flat A list of [no value] which lead to a null pointer exception A list with "null" I tried deleting and remaking…
Possible to add flow image and wiki as inline email vs attachments?
Hi, I would like to add the Project wiki at the top of my scenario email template and add the image of the flow below that. Is this possible? thx Operating system used: Windows10
Testing SQL Connections
We want to test database connections in all our instances since our internal security policy is to change database passwords yearly and this invariably leads to some user connections being missed and this invariably leads to some user database connections being missed, the password expiring, flows failing, data not being…