<class 'json.decoder.JSONDecodeError'> when evaluating a deployed Random Forest model
How to replicate: Using windows10, download the latest Dataiku DSS on-premise version (13.2.3). Create a New project, upload any dataset with a "target" column having binary value. Click the dataset - Lab - AutoML Prediction - Quick Prototype - Train a Random Forest model on "target", using default settings. Deploy the…
Recipe failed but notebook runs (same code environment)
My recipe failed to resolve a pip package I installed on code env. The same code runs well on Notebook area but failed on recipe using the same code env. I suspect the recipe uses old version of the code env but I have no way of forcing it to use the latest code env build. How? Operating system used: Windows Operating…
How to make a clean uninstall of DSS on Mac?
Hi, How can I delete Data Science Studio application and all the settings file on Mac OS X? I want to start with a new fresh install.
Error loading XLSX file from Google Drive because "not a valid OOXML" - Google Drive Plugin
Hello, I am using the Google Drive Plugin (version 1.1.4) with which I'd like to load an .xlsx file from a Google Drive using a service account. However, I get the following error: "Failed to open Excel file, caused by: NotOfficeXmlFileException: No valid entries or contents found, this is not a valid OOXML (Office Open…
Dataiku 12.4 API breaking change
For anyone out there moving to Dataiku 12.4 be aware that there is a breaking change in Dataiku 12.4 API. Dataiku has decided to add add timezone to their date/time objects returned by the API so if you do any sort of date/time calculations with the API date/time fields you might get an error. The following sample code:…
Problem with passing column labels in a plugin custom prediction algorithm component
I need the column labels of the preprocessed dataset in the fit function of a custom prediction algorithm that I'm building into a plugin. The classifier in the fit function only accepts a pd.DataFrame, so I have to convert the numpy array after the preprocessing steps back into a DataFrame with correct column labels. I…
Troubleshooting Installing 🍺 Homebrew in a Code Studio Image
Hi Community, I was working to create a custom code studio that leverages Homebrew to enable experimentation for web app development and allow the end user of the code studio to install OS level packages in the container. Warning: Since this would veer off from the OS packages on the DSS server end users should not…
Plugin WebApp Bokeh - Error not trust
Hi, I tried to follow the tutorial to create a plugin based on Bokeh WebApp : https://academy.dataiku.com/plugin-examples/513345 But I obtained this error "WebApp not trust" (cf error_screen) I precised that : * I don't tick a box "Require Authentication" in the webapp setings * I choose "Allow webapp authors to decide" in…
Plugins Shared Code in containerized environment
I have a custom plugin with some shared code in the "python-lib" directory that I'd like to import and use in other places. Following this link - https://dss.grc-mlops.com/admin/code-envs/design/python/plugin_scaler-engine_managed/ The following code works in a regular notebook running on DSS. However, if I change the…
Cannot start Model Error Analysis webapp
Hi Dataiku Community, I tried installing the plugin for Model Error Analysis and I'm having some issues (happening with other plugins as well: Model Stress Test, Model Drift Monitoring, Generalized Linear Models). I am getting a backend error when starting the webapp form the model view. Traceback (most recent call last):…