Push to editable recipe
Hello, Could you take an example to use "Push to editable" recipe? It seems like group or windows.. What exactly is it used for?
Oops: an unexpected error occurred java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a double but was BEGIN
Hi, I am working on the project "Advanced Designer Assessment" after modified Prepare recipe to add column "qualifies", when i open dataset "Online_Retail_Prepared", i got this error message. Oops: an unexpected error occurred java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a double but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 377 column 21 path…
RAG LLM for multiple datasets
Greetings, While working with the embedding recipe, we faced a limitation where we have two datasets, we want to apply the rag on, how can we apply the knowledge bank on them specifically? Regards
How can I replace a dataset created from a csv?
I have uploaded a CSV and stored it in the filesystem_folders. I have built several recipes from this dataset. I have now received an updated version of the CSV, but cannot figure out how to upload it and overwrite the original dataset. It seems to require I create a new dataset. If I do create a new dataset, there doesn't…
Window recipe not producing expected results when using DSS engine
Hi there, The issue I am having is that the DSS engine is producing a completely different result than when I use the SQL engine. Has anyone faced a similar issue? I would appreciate some insight on this. Basically, all I want to do is produce a columns with the MAX() value inferred from another column. No partitions, no…
How to output to / update my snowflake table using Dataiku
I have a snowflake table and I've set up the connection and everything looks good, Dataiku requires me to create a dataset using that snowflake table that I can use as my input / output. The issue is I have that dataset as my output and when I run my flow, I can see my results, but it isn't actually outputting to my…
How to correctly do time conversions
I have a column that has been parsed and is in UTC, when I try to format the date to be in eastern / New York time I get a new column that is -5 hours, but isn't the current the current difference -4 hours? I'm sure this has something to do with daylight savings time vs normal time, but I just want to ensure that my…
Trigger on Dataset Modified for Partitioned Dataset
Hi Team I'm reading the data from SharePoint and the format of the file is Cost Center_06092024.xlsx As the file comes with the date format, I partitioned reading the data as /Cost Center_%M%D%Y.xlsx and in my prepare recipe set the option as Last available by that the flow ONLY get the latest file. I'm trying to create a…
Bug in Stack Recipe
Hi All, I am sharing below a minimum reproducible project that triggered an error in one of our larger workflows involving the stack recipes.We have been seeing these errors for Snowflake tables (they may exist in others) around string length and truncation. The culprit seems to be that Dataiku is automatically recognizing…
Scenario Reporters
Currently using Scenario reporters to send data to a dataset with below configuration. { "flowname": "${scenarioName}", "status": "${outcome}", "summary": "${failedEventsSummary}" } The issue is failedEventsSummary is providing too much text. How can we get just the ERROR on why the scenario failed. Operating system used:…