Integration with Microsoft Fabric and its OneLake
Hi, Couldn't find anything on an integration with Microsoft Fabric through OneLake yet in the Dataiku docs/release notes. Is this coming soon? As I read the Microsoft docs I understand we can't connect directly via ADLS, only via APIs or SDKs. Thanks in advance, Jonathyan Operating system used: RHEL 8
googlesheets plugin feature: Ignore top n rows on import
Reading a google sheet with the plugin currently requires that header columns are in row 1. In the wild, a lot of users don't build sheets like that and the data begins some rows down the sheet. I suggest to add a feature of ignoring a number of top rows to correctly set the header row and table data.
Using Neo4j plug-in to create relationships duplicates nodes
Hi, I have created unique identifier(s) for two types nodes in my graph. I first push the data on the nodes into Neo4j, using Export nodes recipe: Primary key is set to a column containing the unique identifier for the node. Then I push the data using the Export relationships recipe. Primary keys for source and target are…
How to get the handle of the current plugin?
I'm developing a plugin and I'd like to get the handle of the current plugin to get its name and settings. Similar to client.get_default_project() to get the current project. Also, is there a way to know which scenario is triggering the plugin? Is there any way to achieve this?
Time Series PreparationプラグインのTime series resamplingの仕様について
Time Series PreparationプラグインのTime series resamplingを利用して日付のリサンプリングを実施しようとしております。 データは以下画像の通り月次、カテゴリ別の欠損行のあるデータで、カテゴリごとにデータが無い月の列を用意することを目的にしています。 Time series resamplingを用いることで実現できる認識なのですが、月次の時の挙動が想定と異なるためご質問です。 添付画像の通り、レシピの設定画面でResampling parametersのTime stepを'1', Unitを'Months'にすることで月次のリサンプリングが実現できる認識ですが、…
Custom Params Dataiku Plugin Recipe
Hello, I am developing a plugin recipe, using python. I want the user to be able to give some input, which I allow in the form of params. One of the params I want to have is a datetime, which is not a default param type in dataiku plugin. Therefore, I wish to build a custom param. Preferbly, I would like to develop a…
Error 500 trying to install plugin from Archive with API
Hello, I'm in the process of automating a complete installation of DataIku. While I'm almost done, I'm struggling with plugins install. I'm unable to use the ansible collection or the python API as I keep getting an error 500 from the server when trying to install a plugin from a zip archive (installing the same plugin…
Selecting the latest file added in a folder using Python
Hi All, I would appreciate it if someone can provide me with a python script to select (read_csv) the latest csv file in a SFTP folder? Currently I am using the following script to read csv files from a SFTP folder, however when we have multiple files added in different dates, I would like to select only the latest one…
Plugin's visibility condition and mandatory field
Hello, I am creating a connector in a plugin. First, we have a drop down for the parameters. Then, based on the selection, we display other parameters (using the visibility condition). I want to make some of these new fields mandatory. However, if the user choose one parameter from the drop down, the other parameters not…
Using the next page url provided in the API Plugin
Hi all! I'm trying to access the list applications endpoint of the Greenhouse API with the API plugin. The endpoint uses pagination and a next page is provided in the header. I've tried different setups with the API plugin, but I can't get it to work (while it works with a python script). The error I get is: Failed to read…