illegalargumentexception: Example has 2 inputs but prompt has 1 input
Hi I'm new to dataiku. I'm using dataiku 13.1. I have a dataset with Area name & I have to find the country in which the area belongs to. I have to do it using AI prompt. My dataset is around 2100 records. I want one country value for each region. So in my Prompt & LLM settings I'm providing prompt as "Find the country in…
Embedding a link to download a dataset in scenario email report?
Hi, Our workflows take a user-defined data payload and create N datasets. Is it possible to add a hyperlink with the dataset name as the text and the link being the URL to download the dataset as a CSV file? thx Operating system used: Windows 10
Read trailing 14 days data from a partitioned S3 location as /load_date=YYYY-MM-DD/load_hour=HH
I want to read the trailing 14 days data from S3. I have already setup my S3 connection and want to read data for last 14 days load date and only the 24th load_hour. How can I apply filter just while reading the S3 location using S3 connection setup. Since I need to do it for multiple data sources reading it individually…
[Simba][AthenaJDBC](100071) An error has been thrown from the AWS Athena client. TABLE_NOT_FOUND
I am reading data from S3 location but I am not able to use it unless I sync it first. Syncing this huge data takes lot of time. What is the best way to avoid this issue without syncing it?
Webscraping with Dataiku
Hello, everybody! I have a working program in Python that I use to go through switch devices online, and it returns a CSV with all the information I need to perform an analysis. I tried to transfer the code from a server I was using to run this program to Dataiku, but I encountered an error while running pyautogui (which I…
Getting the below error when trying to ping of the SFTP folders in the dataiku instance:
Getting the below error when trying to ping of the SFTP folders in the dataiku instance: SSH error connecting to ftp1.str.com, caused by: JSchAlgoNegoFailException: Algorithm negotiation fail: algorithmName="server_host_key"…
Python API for fleet manager
Hi all, I am trying to connect to the FMClientAWS using the documentation here : But I am not sure what to use as key_id and key_secret. I could not find anything related to this in the FM UI. Can anyone help me with how to get these two values for my FM? Thanks! Operating system used: linux Operating system used: linux
How to change a Code Studio instance to use a new template?
Hi, Is it possible to change the Code Studio template used for an existing Code Studio instance? If not, can I duplicate it and change the Code Studio Template at that time? thx Operating system used: Windows 10
More documentation on project duplication argument duplication_mode?
Hi, Are there more details on what MINIMUM, SHARING, and FULL mean for this API: thx Operating system used: Windows 10
Logging in dataiku notebook / recipe ...
Hello Team, I am working on pyspark recipes. I use notebook to build the logic and change it back into recipe. The dataiku and spark operations ( e.g. df.count() ) emits a lot of log statements to the console and makes the notebook very difficult to use. Is there a way for me to supress logging from dataku and spark APIs?…