Learning more about Dataiku administration
Hi All, do we have any specific courses within Dataiku more specific towards administration part, in case of someone like to persue his carrier towards the administration part of the tool do we have and certification/ courses for them Mostly like how the other tools have specifically separated section for administration…
こんにちは。Dataiku Academy (日本語版)のアドバンスデザイナーを実践しています! 「ハンズオン:ウィンドウレシピ(さらに詳しく)」を進めている中で ファイルベースのデータセットにおけるウィンドウフレーム [Window Frame](ウィンドウフレーム)を有効にしますが、行は制限しません。 といった記述があったのですが、 ファイルベースのデータセットでは、行の制限をしない場合にもウィンドウフレームを有効にする必要があるのはなぜでしょうか? 「SQL ベースのデータセットにおけるウィンドウフレームの場合」は、行の制限をしない場合は無効のままでよい旨の記述がありました。その点との違いも教えていただけると幸いです。…
i am working on comparison between Data IKU and Alteryx. can you help me with feature comparisions?
i can see Alteryx is way stronger for self data prep, data wrangling, feature store and also ease of use for Citizen data scientists. can you please send me comparision or any supportive links? Operating system used: Latest
Is there any assets for demo on GenAI chatbot applications?, that can be shared and imported for use
Core Designer Cert Aggregate step
Hello, I am completing the core designer certificate project, and I am stuck on the Aggregate step. I've researched, and tried different recipes, but I cannot get the years to show in a way that prepares me to do the Rank step. I know I am overlooking something, but I need some guidance on what that might be. I am…
ML Practitioner Certificate expires or its life time validity.?
I have completed my Certification in ML practitioner Certificate on 28th July 2023 and when i am trying to take again couldn't be able to see the exam thing instead my certificate only getting appeared, kindly help me to know the validity. Operating system used: Windows
Best Practices
Do we have any recommended best practices for Dataiku ?
Developer Assessment: getting error_bad_lines from stackData function
While doing the Developper Assessment from Developer Certificate, on the first instruction (managed folders) i get an error " [11:45:36] [INFO] [dku.utils] - *************** Recipe code failed **************[11:45:36] [INFO] [dku.utils] - Begin Python stack[11:45:36] [INFO] [dku.utils] - Traceback (most recent call…
Troubles connecting Academy
I am having troubles accessing the Academy: Is there any problem?
data set for excel to dataiku quick start course
hi I am new to dataiku. I was going through the excel to dataiku quick start course. But to complete the course i need 4 data sets (crm_last_year,crm_this_year,web_last_year,web_this_year). I found only one data set is available in your website (crm_last_year). Where can i get rest of the datasets. Thanks in advance !