Validate at SQL recipe using the public API (python)
How do you validate a SQL recipe using the public API?
SQLExecutor2 exec_recipe_fragment multiple statements and
I'm following the tutorial found here https://www.dataiku.com/learn/guide/code/python/use-python-sql.html but had some additional questions. 1. Is it possible to submit multiple statements with SQLExecutor2.exec_recipe_fragment()? The script creates multiple volatile tables before constructing the final table. I want to…
Error: Invalid number of columns in query
Hi, After create my connection with sucess to my postgresql database. I've the following error when I import my table in my project : An invalid argument has been encountered : Invalid number of columns in query (2, expected 0) SELECT * FROM "public"."ape_ref" LIMIT 10000. Please check dataset schema Could you explain me…
How to write from pandas Dataframe to PostgreSQL with a geometry type
Hello, In my python receipt, I would like to write in my PostreSQL database (with PostGis extension) data with a geometry type. Therefore, I declared a schema and created my table with this specific schema schema = [{"name": 'id', "type": 'int'}, {"name": 'value', "type": 'string'}, {"name": 'the_geom', "type":…
Google Big Query in DataIku
Is there a feature to connect with Google Big Query like the amazon S3 connector in "cloud storage"?
Case When Statement - in a receipe
Hi everyone, FYI i am very new to DataIKU so apologies if this is an obvious question I need to add extra columns to my data based on variables/definition - I know this can be done in the lab - formula - I was hoping I could do this I a recipe i.e Select team_a Case when team_a= 1 then 'A' else 'NA' End as 'Team_2' From…
Error while reading MySQL table during the execution of a recipe
Hello, I have a MySQL table with around 2,8 millions rows. I just created a recipe to parse a date+time column. This recipe usually works fine. But in that case, after reading around 890 000 rows, the job fails with the following error: Failed to read data from table Failed to read data from table, caused by:…
Which charts support in-database processing?
SQL connexion to multiple databases
When I set up the connection for a given mysql database, and then click on "Import tables to datasets", I have access to all the tables from all the databases of the host. It is not prefixed with the name of the database. For info, this is the Connection URL :…
Indexing of tables in dataiku
My dataiku recipes are taking too long to run because of the absence of indexes in the parent datasets. How do i add indexing in the output data so that the next recipe in the flow can take advantage of the indexing. I need help urgently. Thanks in advance