Set project's security with DSS API

Registered, Neuron 2022 Posts: 121 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
I would like to set the project's security settings in automated way during the deployment. Does DSS API support this kind of action? If not, is there any way how to do that? (dssadmin?)
It can be done through the API: -
I tried it already, but it contain just it did not displayed the already granted group data_admin on the project's Security tab. The owner is there but I was expecting that there will be the list of groups as well.
{u'additionalDashboardUsers': {u'users': []},
u'dashboardAuthorizations': {u'allAuthorized': False,
u'authorizations': ...
u'owner': u'dssetl',
u'permissions': []}
The permissions section does not change if I add new group to the project or modify the existing settings.