Hello, I starred some datasets in a project and exported it. By importing it, no dataset is starred anymore: could you keep this information for an export ? Best regards.
We have a dev instance for dataiku say 10000 and we want to export a project to dev 20000 instance. How can we do it?
I created two DSS101 projects, how to delete one? thanks
I use a python recipe to do a drop_duplicates on columns and I see that the output variables are altered. It seems to be specific to pandas which transforms the integer with NA into a float. OK So it comes that the get_dataframe function would have an argument to add in the function to overcome this and lock my variable:…
Hello, I see in the interface that we can rename a project. Is this something supported ? (ie: will we be able to run/build anything after renaming the project without any problem ?) If I try, I can already see that the project name changed, but the web address to this project still shows the old name... for ex: - my…
Hi, I need to set a project level variable from a python recipe. How can I do that? I dont want to use Scenario in this case. Thanks for the example, Tomas
Would it be possible to add a code sample for setting (granting) permissions on projects for a specific group into the documentation? Thanks
I was wondering if there's any way to have project versioning in Dataiku. For you to understand better I will try to explain our use case in more details. Usually our Dataiku projects has specific names which represents a clear purpose of what this model is for. So far we were not recalibrating our models (maybe that is an…
If I duplicate a project and make some modification both on the flow and code in the receipt. How can I merge back to the origin flow?