Flow variables in R
I checked the R functions here : https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/api/11/R/dataiku/reference/ and it has only dkuFlowVariable where we need to specify the name of the variable. I was wondering if we could get a list of all flow variables in the newer versions of Dataiku. In an earlier version we used to use…
Excel file import [R recipe]
I have an Excel file in a managed folder, I can't read my file using : data <- dkuManagedFolderDownloadPath("dsdsJk", "file") Even using the different options of as = : "raw", "text", "parsed" I get nothing.
Is it possible to create models in R in dataiku?
Is it possible to develop models in R using Dataiku native tools, such as the lab? Currently, we are developing models in R, and our downstream process is heavily dependent on R. We are planning to move to Dataiku for model development. We need R objects at the end of model development so we don't have to change our…
*** caught segfault *** address 0x7fffed999b70, cause 'invalid permissions'
Hi, I'm facing the above mentioned error when I'm trying to access a dataiku managed folder of this project which is connected to a sharepoint location. The line of code used to access the folder is as mentioned below: dkuManagedFolderDownloadPath("folder name", fileReadPath) Operating system used: windows 10 Operating…
Access to Linux machine of Dataiku installed with Fleet Maneger
Is it possible to access to Linux Machine if Dataiku was installed through Fleet Manager? I want to solve I problem that I had installing an R package (RODBC). Error: configure: error: "ODBC headers sql.h and sqlext.h not found" installation of package ‘RODBC’ had non-zero exit status So according to possible solutions…
code env management - best practices?
I was wondering if Dataiku or organizations utilizing Dataiku have any best practice recommendations regarding code environment management. In our organization, every user has the ability to create code envs, referred to as "code envs" for brevity. This has led to a proliferation of hundreds of code envs, and the numbers…
Project Resources in DSS Project's "Libraries" tab
Does anyone know the purpose of the "Resources" section in the libraries tab in a DSS project? How can I leverage this feature and what is a good use case for leveraging it? Here is the general URL link "/ADDDSSPROJECTKEYHERE/libedition/resources" Thank you for your help! Operating system used: RHEL 7
R Recipe Streaming
We're working on a project utilizing an R notebook with some very large datasets and are wondering what the recommended approach is for working with a dataset that does not fit into memory. We are big fans of the streaming API for Python - is there any equivalent for R? Thanks!
R Jupyter notebook problem
Hi! We face problems in R notebooks . It might be related to Dataiku version upgrade or modifying active Jupyter extensions because this was our recent activity. Now notebook usually crashes after some heavier (in terms of execution time) cell is being executed. For example, after reading a heavy dataset notebook has a…
Dataiku Connect to Azure Data Lake Store Data
Is it possible to connect Dataiku to either Azure Data Lake Store Gen 1 or Gen 2 data? I see from the documentation that Azure Blob Storage is support but see no mention of ADLS. Operating system used: CentOS