Difference in minutes and seconds between two date
Hi everyone, How can I get the difference in "hours" "minutes" AND "seconds" (example: 14:30:24) from two date? Example: Col 1: 2018-01-01T09:50:15.000Z Col 2: 2018-01-01T10:07:55.000Z Col 3 (difference): 00:17:40 Thank so much for your help Maxime
Remove duplicate rows in one column
How can I remove duplicated rows in one column ?
Extract text from html stored in column
How would one extract the text and strip all the html. parseHTML() gives me just the html back, and htmlText() gives me the html as text (no brackets)
How to remove rows with all emptly values across all columns
Pretty sure this is a basic question, however I was not able to find a solution so far. After removing some columns, I ended up with rows that have an empty value in each column (tooltip shows "null"), which I want to remove now. I tried the following processor ("filter rows/cells on value"): However, the empty rows are…
How to replace scientific notation
Bonjour, I have a dataset with scientif value , i can't find the solution to convert them in numeric. Thanks
How to lower all column name in the analysis module ?
Hi guys, Is there a possibility to lower all the column name in the analysis module ? I have 30 columns in my file , i synced it into a postgresql table and after that, i would lower all the column name without renaming these manually or with a python recipe. I wondered if there is a special feature or a python snippet…
Rename multiple column to remove spaces and comma
I try to join two data sets, but returns the following error: "Column name can not contain comma, quotation mark, leading or trailing white spaces with DSS engine" Is there any way to remove multiple columns in mass to remove spaces and comma?
Language Translation
Are you aware of a step we could add to our visual prep script to translate languages?
Replace function not working properly in Prepare recipe
Hi All, What I am trying to do is replace empty cells with '0'. After running the recipe, only a few rows are getting replaced with 0 and others remain blank. Please note that this is only happening when I select Spark engine. Other engines do not cause this problem. Is this a known problem with spark engine in prepare…
Fold multiple columns: selection of columns
Hi, I would like to fold a dataset with several columns into one single columns. So I would like to use the built-in function "Fold multiple columns". The only annoying thing is that I would have 1739 columns to select. It is fairly time-consuming to do this by hand. Would there be any sort of trick to select all the…