Add Seldon to deployment options
One of the deployment options in our company is Seldon (Seldon, MLOps for the Enterprise.). It would be great if Dataiku had the option to deploy directly to Seldon, the way deployment to K8, AWS, Databricks or Azure is now possible. Seldon in general deploys MLflow artefacts.
Put stuff in the API logging without sending in the response
We often run into situations where we'd like to log stuff from our internal API workings - like intermediary results for checking - without having to send these out in the response. It would be wonderful if there was an option to send things to the API log without it having to be part of either the request or the response.
Governance API- Validation of Governance Approval for a specific bundle of a project
I am trying to a create a logic to validate the governance approval for a particular bundle of a project. Input params: PROJECT_KEY, BUNDLE_ID The python code should be able to validate the governance approval status and provide the result as approved, pending , rejected,etc. I am trying to use the…
Leveraging Dataiku Instance from outside the environment.
I've tried using dataiku managed instance from local workstation using dataiku API client v13.1.4 and had trouble accessing projects in the machine. import dataikuapi import random import requests requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() client = dataikuapi.DSSClient(DATAIKU_URL, API_KEY) project_keys =…
How to share objects using the Dataiku API
Hi, It appears that the settings.add_exposed_object() method is undocumented. So documenting here few examples for the benefit of others: import dataiku client = dataiku.api_client() project = client.get_project(source_project_key) settings = project.get_settings() # Share Managed Folder…
How can I add data to an existing dataset using an Dataiku DSS API?
Operating system used: Dataiku Operating system used: Dataiku Operating system used: Dataiku
HTTP status codes returned by DSS API node/service
Two questions: 1. Will an exception, raised during execution of API service code, always result in a response with a 500 HTTP status code? 2. Aside from that, errors can occur outside of API service code execution (e.g. service is unavailable). Is there an overview available of which situations map to which HTTP status…
Renaming a saved model using Dataiku Python API
How to rename a saved model using API?
Remapping Connection (under Activation Settings) in Bundle Management using Dataiku Python API
I am trying to remap/update the already existing Blob container connection name I have created a Bundle in Design Node and imported & activated in Auto Node. Both the nodes are pointing to separate Azure Blob Containers Unable to figure out if the connection settings have to be updated before the creation of the bundle OR…
Select which test queries to run in API Designer
Often times when testing and adjusting test queries, I only want a single query to be executed. It would be helpful to have selection boxes next to the test queries in API Designer for which queries to (re-)run when using the Run testqueries command.