Hi everyone, I'm encountering an issue when trying to train a model in Dataiku DSS. The training fails with the following error: Training failed Read the logsSubprocess did not connect in 60000ms, it …
On optimization>Initial learning field I put 0.0001, but the system was showing error. I tried 5640,5638, 100,1000. All shows the same error. Please help
hi everyone, Dataiku detect my gpu, but when its in the process of fitting model it said that "Requested GPU but no device is available, using CPU". Below i attached my code environment, nvidia-smi st…
Hi, can someone help me please. Given a folder input and a folder output I want to link them with a shell script so that the shell script can read a test.txt file from input folder and write the outpu…
How can I do experiment tracking for a model based on R code/recipe. The documentation here: https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/mlops/experiment-tracking/tracking.html only describes this scenario for…
i have a dataset that has purchasing history for many items for the past 10 years, i want to pull out only the items that have been purchased every month for the last 10 years. how do i go about this?…
I just installed Dataiku 13.3.3 (Free Edition) on a MacBook Pro (MacOS 15.3) using Chrome as a browser. I am going through the Machine Learning Quick Start project following instructions in Dataiku Ac…
Hi, I am new to DataIku and trying to find areas of overlap in 2 datasets using fuzzy matching. Is there a way to get a numerical ranking for how close matches are, so I can identify the highest match…
I would like to make a custom Webapp where the Python backend talks to the frontend and vice versa. I see that the Dataiku Answers webapp uses websockets and I would like to do the same. My current at…