Hello World! I would like to know if there is a way to directly perform Clustering while having both numerical and categorical variables in Dataiku DSS? Thank you!
Hello, It would be nice to have a plugin that allows to color rows based on a formula or criteria, and to have the color / highlight kept when exporting to an Excel file. Best regards.
Hello, I starred some datasets in a project and exported it. By importing it, no dataset is starred anymore: could you keep this information for an export ? Best regards.
Dear all, When I let my recipe export/store the output in S3 it creates a file with this name: out-s0.csv.gz. Is there a way to change the name of the output file? Kind regards TonyR
Hi, everyone, I trained a Random Forest model on a train data set and made predictions on test data. I can view the results of the predictions from the model in " Predicted Data " tab . I want to expo…
Hi All, I am trying to export different processed datasets ( for example dataset1 and dataset2) into one single excel file with multiple work sheets ( sheet 1 containing dataset1 and sheet 2 containin…
Hi, is it possible to adjust width of columns in pivot chart to see full values? Another question is regarding download option. Is there a way how to download the whole pivot chart including filters i…
I have some older projects that were built when I had a weaker understanding of what you could do in dataiku, and I have identified some redundancies. How simple is it to reroute the starting data set…