How do I see the computed column in Data iku?
Hi I'm new to Dataiku. I'm using Dataiku 13.2.2. Currently I'm going through Core Designer Certificate from Dataiku academy. I have generated 3 calculated field using prepared recipes. But the calculated fields are not visible in my prepared data set. Can you please let me know the steps to view those fields? Operating…
403 Forbidden on Jupyter notebooks after updating from 13.0.0 to 13.0.3
Hello, I'm using a custom installed dataiku, on debian 11, free license (with advanced features trial). I'm getting "403 Forbbiden" when opening jupyter notebooks after updating from 13.0.0 to 13.0.3. I've noticed that I don't get them when connecting to the Dataiku instance directly from my home network, only when doing…
About using python code from Global Shared Code
Hello, I have added a file named test_flow_global.py at Global Shared Code at path lib-python (main folder)--> python (sub-folder), the file contain def function that I want to just import and test in a notebook, how can I do that ? I am just a beginner in Python so looking for any help. saved file name - test_global.py…
I'm being redirected to another site instead of my Dataiku instance.
I'm on student license.Until yesterday,I was able to open my instance,but now I'm being redirected to revizto . com.Please solve my problem. Thanks. Operating system used: Mac OS 15.1
<class 'json.decoder.JSONDecodeError'> when evaluating a deployed Random Forest model
How to replicate: Using windows10, download the latest Dataiku DSS on-premise version (13.2.3). Create a New project, upload any dataset with a "target" column having binary value. Click the dataset - Lab - AutoML Prediction - Quick Prototype - Train a Random Forest model on "target", using default settings. Deploy the…
This problem is occurring on the Datiaku platform. What can I do to solve it?
OpenMP runtime is not installed
Hi, I received the error below. How can I resolve it ? Failed to train : <class 'xgboost.core.XGBoostError'> : XGBoost Library (libxgboost.dylib) could not be loaded. Likely causes: * OpenMP runtime is not installed - vcomp140.dll or libgomp-1.dll for Windows - libomp.dylib for Mac OSX - libgomp.so for Linux and other…
Import txt file in dataset
Hello, i have a txt file fidex-width. When import the file in dataset DataIku not respects the position of string a so when i extract the data from the selected row in col_0 the position change. Example if in the original file the amount is substring in position 9 for 9 carachter after i have import the file this positione…
Can't create a code env from a newer Python version (local DSS installation)
Hi, I installed the local free version of Dataiku on macOS 15.0.1. The Dataiku DSS version is 13.2.1. By default, I can only create Python code env for Python 3.7. The rest of the Python versions are marked as "Not available" in the code env creation form. I need a higher version than Python 3.7 to create a code env for…
Core Designer Cert Aggregate step
Hello, I am completing the core designer certificate project, and I am stuck on the Aggregate step. I've researched, and tried different recipes, but I cannot get the years to show in a way that prepares me to do the Rank step. I know I am overlooking something, but I need some guidance on what that might be. I am…