Using sample.py after export model python
Hello, I’m trying to use the sample.py after unzipping the archive of a model I extracted. The model is a light gbm with a feature selection step. The version of the dss is 12.6.5 However the python script crash after the dummifier step with the error : Indexed_matrix.py Line 35 in _ remap _ key Remapped_key = (key[0],…
Support fot 2way partial dependence plots
I'd love to see support for 2way partial dependence plots in mode summary reports to get insights into the interaction of 2 features on their model impact. This would give some deeper insight into feature behavior in the model at hand. See here under 4.1.1 for the sklearn implementation 4.1. Partial Dependence and…
My RAG chat application is not finding the correct embedded chunks when responding to a chat query?
Auto-generated visual recipe concept
Problem Statement: Right now, there are great, no-code visual recipes in DSS for select, common machine learning algorithms and data wrangling tools. In other cases, code recipes are required and users repeatedly have to both code the algorithms and add the same lines of code wrappers in DSS code recipes to map to datasets…
How to save a keras model from a python recipe in a folder ?
I would like to save a keras model in a folder. I can not figure out how to save the weights of my models because I do not find the correct filepath. The needed code to achieve this goal is : model.save_weights(filepath) Even with this syntax : path = str(trained_LSTM_info['accessInfo']['root'])…
Switching off particular features for a particular partition in partitioned model
While developing the partitioned model, the features selected are common to all the partitioned models. Is it possible to select market-specific features while developing partitioned models? for e.g. , I'm developing a partitioned model at a market level. Certain features applicable to the "California" market need not be…
Multi-label model support for image classification
It would be great to have the option for multi-label problems in VisualML image classification. In this use case the target is usually an array of one hot encoded classes and an image can belong to one or more classes. An image can be classified not as a single class (the class with the highest probability), but as…
Method to re-order V12 Visual ML override rules
User Story: As a user of V12 Override rules. I'd like a way to drag the order of the rules rather than having to delete and recreate rules if I need to change the orders. Notes: * I was not able to see this feature in the override rule screen.
Dataiku should support Gaussian Splats
Hello, I think it would be great if Dataiku had a plugin that could create Gaussian splats. These would be useful for a variety of purposes. For example to re-create 3D scenes from videos or photos. I am sure many companies and organizations would be interested in that. Gaussian splats are in a sense point clouds created…
Labeling > Support providing Annotations as optional Input
Hi, I am using the new Labeling recipe as the name suggest to add labels to unlabelled images. In my use case, the images are quite big in terms of dimensions and each images requires around 10-20 annotations. This means, the manual task of labeling a decent amount of images is quite high. So far I have labelled around 70…