Full Screen Streamlit Apps (stand-alone view through Dataiku)
The title says it all. Publishing your Streamlit Webapp via Dataiku feels more like a clunky embedded experience than a bespoke application. What I'm looking for here is a native experience through Dataiku's platform. I know that Dataiku offers users the ability to publish their web apps publicly (full screen / native…
Add Seldon to deployment options
One of the deployment options in our company is Seldon (Seldon, MLOps for the Enterprise.). It would be great if Dataiku had the option to deploy directly to Seldon, the way deployment to K8, AWS, Databricks or Azure is now possible. Seldon in general deploys MLflow artefacts.
Properly implement support for Building Flow Zones in Scenarios and the Dataiku API
In Dataiku v12.0.0 a new feature was added that allows users to build flow zones from the flow UI: https://knowledge.dataiku.com/latest/data-preparation/pipelines/tutorial-build-modes.html#build-a-flow-zone This works well however this capability was never added properly to Scenarios and to the Dataiku API. In 12.1.0…
Project Folder should be capable to manage permissions for underlying projects.
Hi everyone, I’d like to suggest an improvement for Dataiku's folder and project permission management. I find it strange that Dataiku doesn’t inherit folder permissions into project permissions. In case of, project folders are set up for different teams of entities - it shouldn't just be a visual organisation on the…
Allow nested flow zones
Hi, I use flow zones a lot and appreciate the value. Why not extend the capability and allow nested flow zones, i.e. a flow zone within a flow zone? thx
Dark Mode
Every developer needs a dark mode A dark theme for the flow, datasets, and recipe configs would go a long way toward making Dataiku fit into workflows that involve many other dark mode tools. Dataiku is definitely very bright when swapping from other tools which operate in dark mode. Extensions like Dark Reader do a pretty…
Maintain case of SQL table name when creating SQL datasets
Currently, when a SQL dataset is created, the name of the associated SQL table is set to PROJECTKEY_tablename regardless of the case of the SQL dataset name. It would be great if either the case of the dataset name was maintained in the SQL table name (so dataset ABC would result in a SQL table name of PROJECTKEY_ABC…
Costing/Subscription plans for Dataiku
Can anyone help me with the costing plans for Dataiku for the paid edition and the different services and limitations offered with each plan. Just need an overview regarding this. Operating system used: Windows Operating system used: Windows
Being able to set User Settings via Python API
There are now more user settings than ever in the user's profile page (DSS/profile/). In v12.3.2 there are now 10 different email notification settings. We would like to be able to customise these to our preferred defaults via the Dataiku Python API. Currently the Dataiku Python API does not support this. Thanks
Add support for Pandas 2.0
Pandas 2.0 can bring great performance improvements when using the pyarrow backend: https://towardsdatascience.com/pandas-2-0-a-game-changer-for-data-scientists-3cd281fcc4b4