Export multiple datasets into one single excel file with multiple sheets

I am trying to export different processed datasets ( for example dataset1 and dataset2) into one single excel file with multiple work sheets ( sheet 1 containing dataset1 and sheet 2 containing dataset2). Is this possible?
Best Answer
Ashley Dataiker, Alpha Tester, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered, Product Ideas Manager Posts: 165 Dataiker
Hi @FrancescoRusso
,In addition to what has been suggested, you may also consider the Multisheet Excel export plugin which lets you take several different datasets and export them onto different tabs of a single Excel file.
Ashley W.
This is quite easy to do with a bit of Python code: see example on http://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/example_pandas_multiple.html.
The equivalent also exists in R code:
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your answer. However, I cannot import the module 'xlsxwriter' on python environment on Dataiku.
Moreover, I have the issue of saving the merged excel file in an existing folder on dataiku. Would you be so kind to share an example? -
Here is how to install a package on the Dataiku python environment: https://www.dataiku.com/learn/guide/code/python/install-python-packages.html
Reading and writing from/to "managed_folders" is documented here: https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/connecting/managed_folders.html#usage-in-python -
Hi Francesco,
You can write to a folder with a python script. The file below shows how to write in the test_writeExcel.
test_writeExcel = dataiku.Folder("RaZzKNKs")
test_writeExcel_info = test_writeExcel.get_info()name = 'test.xlsx'
df = pd.DataFrame({'Data': [10, 20, 30, 20, 15, 30, 45]})
path = os.path.join(test_writeExcel_info['path'], name)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path)
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', encoding='utf-8')