I'm creating a python function endpoint with this script: And I don't know how to deal with this error: Dev server deployment FAILED Failed to initiate function server : <class 'Exception'> : Default …
Two questions: 1. Will an exception, raised during execution of API service code, always result in a response with a 500 HTTP status code? 2. Aside from that, errors can occur outside of API service c…
From what I could see, both seem to have the same functionality when I used them outside the Dataiku web interface. I see documentation for both the packages but they seem to be conflicting. For examp…
Hello, I am using Dataiku 12.5.2 and currently running Spark 2.4. Dataiku is installed on a server named A, while Spark is installed on a server named B, configured as a standalone Spark installation …
Goodday! In the API Designer, we can define connections to use with SQL Query Endpoints. How do we remap these connections based on deployments to different API nodes? (ie. use different connection fo…
Hi i am getting an error while doing the TESTING QUERIES on the API designer for python function endpoint. Failed: Failed to run function : class 'Exception' : No DSS URL or API key found from any loc…
I've built a python API endpoint that uses a certain code environment. In the resources folder of that code environment is a file. If I run the API code in a notebook using that code env, I'm able to …
Goodday, is it possible to use variables (instance-level, project-level, otherwise) in SQL query endpoint SQL statements, in an API service? And if so, can they be used as database object identifiers?…
I am trying to build an adjusting model in Dataiku. I want to leverage the APIs to do the same. I already have a model deployed in the flow. After each data refresh, I want to check the model's perfor…