Using Dataiku
- Hi, while doing a normal join on one table I run into this error "in act.compute_Base_Modelos_1_1_1_NP: Column name can not contain comma, quotation mark, leading or trailing white spaces with DSS eng…Last answer by cullimk
Some experimentation reveals that the problem I had is a result of having columns that are arrays on the input datasets (even changing the storage or meaning did not help), even if you do not include them in the join output. Once eliminated and/or transformed the arrays in a prep step prior to the join, the join worked. Thanks for the speedy reply!
- Hi, I have a dataset where some combination of columns results in a unique key: 1 A 1 B 2 B 2 C 3 A The first column with numerical values represents users and the second column with characters are th…Solution by Alex_Combessie
What you describe is often described as the "ANTI JOIN" concept in SQL. I would recommend indeed to accomplish this using a SQL script recipe in Dataiku.
Unfortunately, there is not a common syntax for ANTI JOINs in SQL, as for regular LEFT/RIGHT/INNER/... JOINS. Depending on the flavour of SQL database you are using, you can look up the specific syntax you need. For instance, in PostgreSQL you can use a syntax like this:
FROM actor a
SELECT * FROM film_actor fa
WHERE a.actor_id = fa.actor_id
)This is documented online in this article: For other SQL flavours, similar articles certainly exist to help you write the right script.
Hope it helps,
- Hi @AlexT , I am using join recipe and there i am joining tow datasets one of the dataset has 7M records. It is caching that dataset in memory and running for longer period of time and later I am gett…Solution by
- Hi, I have a join recipe (left join) where one of the joined table is empty (it is calculated sucesfully but empty). The recipe fails with an ERROR that the input dataset is not ready. How to avoid th…Solution by
- I am getting error while doing JOIN recipe When trying to join two datasets I get the following error: Job failed: in act.compute_BASE_TRACKER_JOINED_STIRandMilestones_NP: Column name can not contain …Last answer by
- Hi, I am new to DSS and I have a requirement where I want to analyze a person call records along with with vehicle details etc. I need to see who that person is in contact with and what vehicle he own…Last answer by
- When trying to join two datasets I get the following error: An invalid argument has been encountered : in act.compute_1stOAMatrix_NP: Column name can not contain comma, quotation mark, leading or trai…Last answer by
- If a dataset is imported in Dataiku using "SQL query" as Mode it's not possible to use the SQL as execution engine for further operation even if all the tables involved are in the same SQL Database: I…Solution by
- Hi all, I'm pretty new to Dataiku, and I'm currently trying to join 2 datasets. I found the Join recipe. However, my join condition is not "equals" but "contains". And when I choose this "contains" co…Last answer by
- I am trying to joint two csv datasets based on two numeric keys. Checked consistency between meaning and data format, and all kinds of different types of join, and in all cases I get a log saying over…