Dark Mode

Every developer needs a dark mode
A dark theme for the flow, datasets, and recipe configs would go a long way toward making Dataiku fit into workflows that involve many other dark mode tools. Dataiku is definitely very bright when swapping from other tools which operate in dark mode. Extensions like Dark Reader do a pretty good job of generating dark mode for Dataiku, but native support would make it much prettier.
Here are some examples of how close to beautiful Dataiku already looks via Dark Reader. Just a little refinement beyond this could make it perfect.
Come to the dark side, Dataiku!
This is definitely in our backlog.
To be honest, we haven't seen traction on it outside developer profiles
That would be lovely.
I would also love this.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,244 Neuron
It's currently possible to change the Jupyter Notebooks theme but that's system wide. It's also possible to change the code recipes via the user's profile themes. But yes a more system wide theme will be good, as long as users can customise it to their liking.
Adding in my vote for dark mode!
I love this idea!
Yair Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 7 ✭✭✭
everyone need dark mode
"We've only heard developers ask for this." Oh dear, are you saying Dataiku is not a tool for developers?
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,244 Neuron
Your initial post said "developing notebooks without dark mode is awful. Please bring dark mode to notebooks". Did you see my comment above that you can enable dark theme in a Notebooks? (it's system wide). Also look at your DSS profile and change the Code Editor to monokai to have darm theme in recipes. -
Up-voted - reason why you don't see other people [non-developers] ask for it is because they don't know it exists! It should be your USP! Dark mode saves eyes! Why does apple have dark theme is OS? cause its AWESOME and its FOR HUMANS
Ps. I have a learning disability that makes it much harder for me to see things if I cannot configure dark mode - there go your incivility points.... Ps2. You really did a lot of gr8 work developing DataIku and I like the concept but form someone coming form more traditional software eng ways of working... lack of dark theme is a serious drawback
Eye strain is inevitable in dim lighting when viewing a bright white screen. Citizen Data Scientists would ALSO appreciate dark mode so they don’t get headaches by day’s end. Shouldn’t be that difficult for such an advanced company to offer the option, should it?
Upvote! Literally we want this feature so badly at my company that this is my first time posting on a community thread. Save my eyes please
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,244 Neuron
Are you aware the recipe editor and Jupyter notebooks can be made to use a dark mode in Dataiku? Also Visual Studio Code running in Dataiku Code Studios comes by default set in dark mode. I agree there be a system wide setting but there are ways to edit code in dark mode in Dataiku already.
Still in the backlog ? 😅