Allow nested flow zones

I use flow zones a lot and appreciate the value. Why not extend the capability and allow nested flow zones, i.e. a flow zone within a flow zone?
Thanks for the feedback, this is in our backlog and we'll let you know if there are any relevant updates.
This would be a really big help for me! I am frequently dealing with projects with hundreds and sometimes thousands of datasets, and while flow zones helped a lot, organizing still gets difficult at that scale without being able to nest them.
Hi everyone,
I am checking to see if Dataiku has now implemented the concept of Nested Zones (Zone within a zone). This would be extremely helpful for my project, as I have zones already made but this is of one main component of my project (ex: multiple zones in Zone "December")
I think the one commenter said this is in the backlog so just seeing if this is still an item for consideration or if it is closer to be developed/released.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,240 Neuron
Not yet. Call your Customer Success Manager and ask them for an update. The more people ask for a feature the more likely it will get done. Being in the backlog doesn't guarantee it will get done.
I have projects that incorporate a large number of datasets and recipes with distinct parts of the process that I want to distinguish. This means I end up using a lot of different flow zones. If I were able to group the flow zones into a hierarchy, it would make it much easier to organize projects like these.
Is there any update about nested flow zones as this will be very much helpful for the development of my project?
Thanks & Regards
Coming from Alteryx, I was very surprised that it wasn't possible to be honest. especially with this auto placement of zones, it gives messy results with complex flows.
Best regards,
Simon -
It would help me a lot as well!