Forgotten Admin Password - Azure Evaluation
Hello All I've forgotten the password for my DataIku Azure Server evaluation instance. I could spin up a new instance but I'm wondering if there is a way to reset on the Linux VM. I can terminal into the server using Port 22 but I'm not sure if there is a command line or script to update the credentials. The Admin/Admin…
EC2 Dataiku connection to Azure Synapse pool - Need help
Hey all, I need some help in figuring out where the source of an issue lies with a particular connection to a Synapse SQL pool. Setup: Dataiku hosted on AWS EC2, built using Ansible + Terraform Synapse SQL Pool located on Azure Everything is (supposed to be) on the same internal network I'm getting the following Error…
SSO to Azure Active Directory - facing error
I am looking to setup SSO against my azure active directory. I have AD actively syncing and users actively provisioned on the platform. When I configure SSO and test it, I get redirected to the MS login screen, I can sign in using email and password, but I then hit the following screen and not successfully redirected to…
Azure上にDataikuのSandboxを作成し、そちらで作業を行いたいのですがバージョンが3.6のみを利用可能な状態です。 このSandbox内でPythonの3.7以降を利用したい場合、どこでインストールやPATHの指定を行えば良いのでしょうか?
Dataiku Azure Connection
I have manually configured the Azure connection in Dataiku, but when i am creating new Dataset to store/write the python recipe its showing me below error. * Dataset error – Failed to check if the new dataset name is safe, there could be a problem with the database: Failed to get information for location 'Test_Demo',…
Dataiku connection with adls gen2
Hi, I want to establish the connection to adls gen2 through jupyter notebook (Python recipe). Is there a process of how i can do it. Thanks Operating system used: Windows
Jupyter connection with azure blob
Hi, I am trying to connect jupyter notebook with azure blob storage & when doing so i am getting below error. Can you help me resolve this error. DatalakeRESTException: HTTP error: ConnectionError(MaxRetryError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='aicpadlsdev.azuredatalakestore.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:…
Provision of connecting your own compute resource to dataiku
What is the provision of connecting your own compute resource(instance or K8 cluster) from Azure(or AWS) to dataiku for running specific jobs such as model training or any recipes?
Connection to Azure Blob
How do we create connection to Azure Blob for read/write a file?
MongoDB server setup on Azure VM Linux machine
Hello Community, I am experimenting a bit with all kinds of data connections (MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Snowflake) and have set up a MongoDB Server running on the same Azure machine as my DSS is running. A database and user are set up on the MongoDB, but a connection towards the MongoDB results in the following…