The specified Code Environment is not used when running tests for Python Function API Endpoint
I have setup a Conda environment which I am successfully using for two Webapps and some recipes. However, when trying to create a Python Function API Endpoint, and using the "RUN TEST QUERIES" function, I get errors such as "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'transformers'" indicating that the prepared Code Environment…
How can I write a Pandas dataframe in a Database in SQL Server connection?
Suppose I have a Pandas DF and I want to create a new table in a SQL Server connection with all the data in the DF. For Snowflake, I use the DkuSnowpark module and write_with_schema, but I couldn't find something similar for SQL Server. I tried using SQL Alchemy but I got driver error, but couldn't find another way.
Excel Refresh Automation
I want to create a scenario to refresh workbook once a day but as I understand Dataiku is typically used in cloud or server environments where direct interactions with local applications like Microsoft Excel through COM (Component Object Model) objects are not supported. How can I run this python script in Dataiku?
Type after Python recipe
Hello all, I've an issue in DSS. A dataset where i've forced the type in setting, schema is an input of a python recipe. I try with different proposition of the developper guide but i'm lost because each time i've an error. I forced the type of column "MASTER-ID" who is the ref of the object in int. At this first level…
Creating new features through python API in visual analysis
I am trying to build models through Dataiku's Python API. I want to deploy the model as an API endpoint. I want to add some additional feature creation steps in the visual analysis to pass raw data to the endpoint, as given below in the Dataiku Documentation. I want to know if it's possible to create preprocessing steps…
Git Flow Azure DevOps
Hello Community, We are planning to use Azure DevOps for code management and versioning of our DSS projects. Given that we have multiple developers working concurrently on different branches, what would be the recommended branching strategy or Git flow to adopt? Additionally, how should we connect DSS branches to Azure…
How to keep original data when deleting shared data
When I share a data by using "share to a flow zone" function and deleted shared data, the original data is also deleted. I want to keep original data when deleting shared data, how can I do this?
Why does Dataiku consistently choose the wrong data type for excel files I upload
Should I be using excel files? No. But that's the world I live in. Dataiku needs to do better in data types. It requires significant and repetitive manual intervention to make sure that it continues to apply the right data type to my excel files. There is no good reason it has to be this bad. Particularly annoying is the…
Problem with loading large files
I try to upload datasets from my location to dataiku but it only allows me to upload data smaller than 1 GB in weight. I have tried several types but it has not been possible since it generates an error when loading the information. I don't know if this is directly due to the instance or the license I have.
Saving a 'styler' type object to a managed folder?
Hi, I am trying to save a pandas styler object as an HTML ( ref: pandas.io.formats.style.Styler.to_html — pandas 2.2.2 documentation (pydata.org) ) in Dataiku Managed folder (HDFS not local). Can you help me with that? My dataframe styler name: df folder handler: folder Code to save to a managed folder: region_monitor_path…