How to Sync Current Date from Greenplum to Oracle with Only the Date Part?
I have added a current_date column to my table in Greenplum using a Prepare recipe (with now() in Formula language). I want to sync this column to an Oracle database, but I need to keep only the date part of the value. For example, I want to convert a value like 2025-01-25T21:50:28.102Z into 2025-01-25 and store it as a…
Split / Join formula
Hi, Is it possible in a split (and only a split recipe not an sql one) with formula to check a condition by join. For example, to check that one of the child lines a of a parent b contains a certain value. If so, put all the corresponding lines a ->b* (of which at least one b satisfies the condition) in the split. Best…
Folding multiple columns by MULTIPLE patterns
Hello, I have a large number of columns that all follow the same pattern, with 3 parts that can change: Path#_Field_Year So either the Path #, Field, or Year could vary. For example, I could have: 1_Car_2030 1_Car_2031 1_Car_2032 2_Car_2030 2_Car_2031 2_Car_2032 Or I could have: 2_Bus_2040 2_Bus_2041 2_Bus_2042 5_Bus_2030…
I want Better Dataset Visualization in Dataiku Dashboard
I need to leverage Dataiku Dashboard to visualize Dataset with a better look. this is what I want (set different colors for value criteria / bold font / dataframe multindex support /etc): this is visualization of dataset currently (quite plain): I am code designer and can write python, btw, is there any solution? Operating…
How can I use websockets in a Webapp?
I would like to make a custom Webapp where the Python backend talks to the frontend and vice versa. I see that the Dataiku Answers webapp uses websockets and I would like to do the same. My current attempts using Flask-SocketIO did not work unfortunately, as it seems to use Werkzeug under the hood and I cannot start the…
Combining data sources from Blob Storage
Hello, I have a pretty simple problem, but somehow I'm not able to solve it. I'm using Dataiku to do ETL stuff and I need to pull the data from Blob Storage. Usually I just specify a path this is the start of my flow. But in this case, I need to create the first source dataset from multiple blob "folders" that are in a…
Beginner Help: Deploying an API Service with Pickle Model from Jupyter Notebook in Dataiku
Hello Dear Community, I am a complete beginner in Dataiku and have created a Jupyter Notebook as a mini test model. I used Pickle to save the model and vectorizer into a managed folder named "Models". My goal is to make this model available as an API service, but I’m struggling with the process and would greatly appreciate…
Je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner cette formule pour calculer la différence entre deux dates
voici la formule: if(diff(DateDeSortie_MAJ2,val("DateEntréeDIR2S_MAJ"))>=0,"",DateDeSortie_MAJ2) merci pour votre aide
update DSS license - improve the documentation
Dataiku's documentation says there are 3 ways to update a DSS license but then only lists 2: """ Copy your new license file into DATA_DIR/config/license.json (needs restart of DSS) Log into Dataiku DSS, click the “Administration” gear, then click “Enter license” and enter the contents of the license file. """ I suppose the…
Container configuration mapping in bundle deployments
This request is to add mapping options for container configuration in bundle deployments. This would allow for repointing in the event that the container configurations are not named the same in the design node vs automation nodes.