Problem loading my Profile from another Laptop, yes amazing
Hi, I've recently starting using another laptop to work with dataiku, and when I connect to my account, all information is gonne? my certifications, and so on. Can you please help me to get tyhem back ? Operating system used: MacOS SONOMOA 14.6
Dataiku migration - Macos - Error with Laucher
Hi, After several years of faithful service, my old laptop for Dataiku was due for a well-deserved retirement and I got a new one from. So, I've decided to migrate all Dataiku environment into new laptop. I've created a dss-home folder inside DataScienceStudio and copy the content of my backup dss_home into this new one…
Dataiku K8S Pod unable to connect DSS
[urllib3.connectionpool] http://XXXXX:PORT "POST /dip/api/XXXXX/containers/get-execution HTTP/1.1" 500 None [ERROR] [root] Could not reach DSS: None: b'Unknown execution context: test_execution_id Pod config have the necessary variables under the container along with the base image. This execution id is returning as…
"Sign up to take part" ads seems not working
Hello, Could the following 'little problem' be fixed ? For newcomers visiting without signing up, there is an advertising banner that states, "Registered users can ask their own questions, contribute ..." However, both the "Sign Up" and "Learn More" buttons are not functioning in my environment. The "Sign Up" button does…
"Fold" processors in visual recipe - Implement In-Database engine
Today, fold processors require the DSS engine because they are not supported as in-database processing, which forces dataiku designers to implement SQL recipes to perform fold operations. Most modern databases support "unpivot" syntax, which enable fold processors to be converted to SQL.…
How to unzip files from managed folder in dataiku
I am getting error as : NotImplementedError: That compression method is not supported at zip_file.open(), even though code is able to list the filenames in zipped folder as you can see VBOX0001.vbo Operating system used: Windows Operating system used: Windows
How to debug provisioning errors using Fleet manager
I get an error when I provision Automation servers using Fleet manager. How can I debug this? Operating system used: Amazon Linux
How to get a trial version of dataiku to complete project for advanced designer certification course
dashのwebappでインタラクティブなアプリケーションを作る際に、ボタンのクリックをトリガーにあらかじめ設定しておいたScenarioをrunさせたり、データセットを出力することは可能でしょうか? 例えばボタンをクリックすると、クリックをトリガーに設定したレシピがビルドされるようなイメージです。
Preformat and preprocessing a register Dataiku model through python by using
I would like to use through a python recipe a registered model and apply the preformat and preproccesing through a huge dataframe connected to Databricks (which is good for memory issues). But it seems this is not possible to do it without passing through a pandas dataframe. Anybody know how to resolve this? The error…