I am installing DSS in a location that is not in the root location of the server, but i can't seem to find the configuration how I can instruct DSS to use a different value for the base href settings.…
I have installed DSS on linux Centos 7 this morning. DSS was started without error. When access the DSS URL the first time I was asked to select license. At page 2- Select your license, I selected Fre…
I have a new (trial) DSS install using the AWS AMI. Out of the box DSS is listening on all interfaces, not just localhost, although all requests to DSS should be routed through the NGINX as proxy. How…
Hi I installed cloudera on VMware, then installed DSS instance , following the instruction given below https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/installation/new_instance.html I checked whether dss is runnin…
Using self signed certificate returns: requests.exceptions.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:579) How to set auto-trust during the connection? Thanks import …
I have a big dataset csv file (43gb) and I can't upload it due to the size limit. I am on windows 7 so I use a Virtual Machine to work with dataiku. Someone adviced me to push the file directly to the…
I tried to upload a csv file (43gb) and it stopped after a few second, then it started to load again from the beginning a couple of times and then, the uploading file disappears. I use a VMbox on wind…
Hi, I try to connect DSS with an Elastic Search cluster hosted directly on the Elastic.co cloud. The security layer requires to connect it trough HTTPS and with a basic user/pwd credential I tried sev…