Google Workspace as SAML SSO provider for DSS?
Is there anyone out there using a Google Workspace Domain to set up a single sign-on environment for Dataiku DSS? Operating system used: Linux
Hive partition question
Hi i have created a hive recipe which writes to a hive table. we have created partition on sequence %{source}/%{country}/.* on the output hive table. However in the hive script we gave SQL statement something like. INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE <table_name> PARTITION (country='${country_name}',source='${source_name}') .... We…
Compute Metrics using Python API
Hi, Is there any way to run the compute button using python API to refresh the data size of dataset? Thanks in Advance
read video
Hello, I want to read a video from a folder using the python package OpenCV but I have this error : OpenCV(4.5.5) :-1: error: (-5:Bad argument) in function 'VideoCapture'> Overload resolution failed:> - Can't convert object to 'str' for 'filename'> - Required argument 'apiPreference' (pos 2) not found> - Argument 'index'…
How to configure DSS when app is not in the root location of the server. Need to set
I am installing DSS in a location that is not in the root location of the server, but i can't seem to find the configuration how I can instruct DSS to use a different value for the base href settings... Is there a way to set this up at run time? Typically in angular apps you can set this at run time but the app needs to be…
Failed to reach the Dataiku plugin store
For some reason my Dataiku installation on Mac can't access the internet. Any idea why this might be?
Return 301 and redirect to HTTPS
Hey guys, I asked my original question here but i think you got me wrong: https://answers.dataiku.com/5456/redirect-http-to-https-implement-hsts?show=5457#a5457 I have a valid certificate and the server accepting HTTPS connections at port 11200. If i redirect HTTP connections from 80 to 11200 directly the DSS will refuse…
Error launching code env for R on a system with no internet access
Hi, I am working on a sytem with no internet access, Integrated R and DSS using: https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/installation/r.html#case-2-if-your-dss-server-does-not-have-internet-access Error while launching code-env for R: specifying the directory path in CRAN mirror URL: file:///opt/dss/R-packages/R-packages/ This…
Issues with R code-env on a machine with no internet connection
Hi, I'm working on a machine with no connectivity to the internet and integrated R using this link: https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/installation/r.html#case-2-if-your-dss-server-does-not-have-internet-access For the CRAN mirror, I have given the location of the local directory where packages are placed:…
Issue creating Python code-env on a machine with no internet access
The machine I'm working on has no internet connection and I have downloaded and installed all the packages mentioned below on the system by executing this command (for example pyzmq package): pip install pyzmq-17.1.2-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl -f ./ --no-index However, code-env is unable to read this and throws this…