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Added on December 13, 2018 3:08AM
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Replies: 4
Thanks for the feedback. Indeed the Dataiku plugin store requires access to the Internet. Enabling access in your Internet security software is a good solution.
Otherwise, note that plugins can be installed offline by following this documentation:
I am getting the error message "Failed to reach the Dataiku plugin store" when I try to install a plugin.
See attached screen shot.
I am running 7.0.2 on Windows using Oracle VM
Initially I thought the problem had to do with the my firewall. I disabled the firewall completely but the problem did not go away.
I tried to visit the plugins webpage "" suggested in the error message, but the page redirects to a JPG image which has no links. See ""
Also: I tried the link suggested by @Alex_Combessie
in his reply above to @Wuser92
. It gives the error "Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server."
Thanks for spotting these broken links, we will correct them. In general, the recommended way to install a plugin offline is to:
We have noticed that in the case of the KML format plugin, the zipped version does not appear on the page. This will be corrected along with the other broken links. In the meantime, you can use this link:
This contains all the plugin archives used in the DSS Plugin Store.
Hope it helps,
Thanks @Alex_Combessie