Academy Discussions
- Hello, I am completing the core designer certificate project, and I am stuck on the Aggregate step. I've researched, and tried different recipes, but I cannot get the years to show in a way that prepa…Last answer by LucOBrien
It's been a while since I took that cert, but I'm assuming that you are trying to aggregate by entity, code and year? Have you tried adding year as a group key?
This would let you get Somalia's urban % in the year XXXX, for example.If I'm off base on what you are after, can you reply with additional info?
Last answer by LucOBrienIt's been a while since I took that cert, but I'm assuming that you are trying to aggregate by entity, code and year? Have you tried adding year as a group key?
This would let you get Somalia's urban % in the year XXXX, for example.If I'm off base on what you are after, can you reply with additional info?
- I have completed my Certification in ML practitioner Certificate on 28th July 2023 and when i am trying to take again couldn't be able to see the exam thing instead my certificate only getting appeare…Last answer by LucOBrien
I just checked my certificates and they do not list an expiration date. As far as I can tell, they are a lifetime certification!
- Do we have any recommended best practices for Dataiku ?
- While doing the Developper Assessment from Developer Certificate, on the first instruction (managed folders) i get an error " [11:45:36] [INFO] [dku.utils] - *************** Recipe code failed *******…Solution bySolution by Amrit
Hey, this issue actually occurred because you might be using the wrong coding environment. I faced the same issue, changing the coding environment helps here. You can check the guides to update the coding environment, alternatively, you can click on the python recipe, on the actions tab find the coding environment and update (this is not recommended)
- I am having troubles accessing the Academy: Is there any problem?
- hi I am new to dataiku. I was going through the excel to dataiku quick start course. But to complete the course i need 4 data sets (crm_last_year,crm_this_year,web_last_year,web_this_year). I found on…Last answer by
When doing this tutorial Tutorial | Feature generation it says to select Snowflake as my connection.
At the Sync recipe step for the Tutorial | Feature generation in Academy and it says I should see Snowflake as the connection, but I don't see it there. Is this wrong information? Operating system use…Last answer by- Hi everyone, I've been using the Dataiku tutorial to learn about the platform. I have a question about the Window Recipe tutorial, the 'Use a range of rows section'. From the tutorial, I understand th…Last answer by
- Hi all, I am trying to clarify myself about the certifications costs. Could one reply how much certifications costs? ThanksLast answer byLast answer by LouisDHulst
Hi @iga1976 ,
I'm not aware of any costs related to certificates: they're offered for free by Dataiku.