Expanding reach
Hello, I am an experienced AI/ML consultant with significant hands-on experience using Dataiku with three certifications. I am interested to learn about effective strategies on how to reach clients in search of Dataiku consultants. Best Regards Operating system used: mac os
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dataiku.langchain'
Hi, I was recently trying to install the dataiku api locally for some testing purposes but was met with some errors. Installation seemed to be working fine but the moment I tried to run this code:`from dataiku.langchain.llm import DKUChatModel` , it seemed to crash and be unable to find the dataiku.langchain module. What…
タイトル通り、pythonレシピで生成し、マネージドフォルダにpickleしたモデルが有れば、そのモデルを読み込んで追加のエポックを回したり、ファインチューニングするような処理を検討しています。 しかし、同一のマネージドフォルダをpythonレシピのインプットとアウトプット両方にするとエラーが発生してしまいます。 マネージドフォルダからさらに中のモデルを別のマネージドフォルダに移して、それを読み込むなどの実装はデータの冗長性の観点から避けたいと考えています。…
Why is dataiku not a familiar platform amongst the developers?
Recommended usage of Schema Description
Hello, I recently found out you can make a schema description to note some details about specific columns. This seems very useful but I find it hard to create legible descriptions as they only show what fits in the column width: This makes it hard to read unless you go into the settings to see what exactly is written there…
Label task
Hello, I have created a label task for the evaluation of a query. The input is a sample of rows of a bigger dataset. With the label task you can then assigned one of five categories. Using the label task has lead to changes of the query that feeds the label task. Now I want to reset the task / remove the data associated…
Dataset overwritten instead of error
When building datasets I have seen that, on changes to the schema given by the recipe, the dataset is fully overwritten, data and all. This means that, when a recipe suddenly does not return the correct schema, all previous data is lost… Previously we did get an error message if this was the case and we would not lose any…
Checks with custom error/warning messages
Is it possible to create a custom error message for a check? I've created some checks for important datasets but find the default error messaging of "Checks on the output produced 1 error" a bit lacking as this does not give any information on what's wrong to users who are not as versed in Dataiku or programming in…
Renaming recipes via Dataiku API
Hello, I am trying to rename some recipes via the API (as opposed to by hand as we want to rename quite a lot). This is the code I am trying to run: project = client.get_project(project_key) recipe_object = project.get_recipe(recipe_name) recipe_object.rename('the new name') Trying to run this gives the following error…
Time Series PreparationプラグインのTime series resamplingの仕様について
Time Series PreparationプラグインのTime series resamplingを利用して日付のリサンプリングを実施しようとしております。 データは以下画像の通り月次、カテゴリ別の欠損行のあるデータで、カテゴリごとにデータが無い月の列を用意することを目的にしています。 Time series resamplingを用いることで実現できる認識なのですが、月次の時の挙動が想定と異なるためご質問です。 添付画像の通り、レシピの設定画面でResampling parametersのTime stepを'1', Unitを'Months'にすることで月次のリサンプリングが実現できる認識ですが、…