How to merge 2 tables, by dates comparison et precedent constraints
hello. I have 2 tables, the first one shows vehicules consumption records |ID_VHL| date | Type_Of_Record| Value_Of_Record| | A | 05/01/2024 | hour | 10 | | A | 15/01/2024 | km | 2 | | A | 05/08/2024 | hour | 20 | | A | 15/09/2024 | km | 28 | and the second one represents the distribution of these vehicles, variable over…
Can't create a code env from a newer Python version (local DSS installation)
Hi, I installed the local free version of Dataiku on macOS 15.0.1. The Dataiku DSS version is 13.2.1. By default, I can only create Python code env for Python 3.7. The rest of the Python versions are marked as "Not available" in the code env creation form. I need a higher version than Python 3.7 to create a code env for…
Core Designer Cert Aggregate step
Hello, I am completing the core designer certificate project, and I am stuck on the Aggregate step. I've researched, and tried different recipes, but I cannot get the years to show in a way that prepares me to do the Rank step. I know I am overlooking something, but I need some guidance on what that might be. I am…
Error when using Embed recipe
Hi Team, When I am trying to embed a dataset in Dataiku with textual data, I encounter this error: Error in Python process: <class 'Exception'>: At least one embedding request failed: HTTP code: 429, response: { "statusCode": 429, "message": "Token limit is exceeded. Try again in 48 seconds." } Could you guys please help…
How to set a project variables with Python
I am trying to set project variables that will be used by scenario recipes as dates. In a project the global variable is in the form of {"start_date": "10/27/2024"}. I am able to this in recipes and dashboards. Using the python notebook, I am able to change the variables but now I want to make it dynamic based on current…
Updating models in scenarios
Hello, I set up a model with DSS machine learning modules. In my scenario, I've made a special step to run the model training queries. Will this step re-train the model and modify the model coefficients and metrics of the model or not?
Identifying the Node Type in a DSS Notebook using Python
In Python, in a DSS notebook, I want to know if the code is running in the design node or the automation node. How can I do that?
Git Version Control - merging branch
OK, I'll admit it up front, I am new to the Git model and after watching a few introductory videos, I tried to use the Version Control feature of creating a new branch. I selected the option when creating a new branch, "Edition Mode: User current project to work on new branch". (Yes I know, the documentation says to use…
"NumberFormatException: For input string" in scenario with integer partitioned dataset
I have a non-partitioned D1 dataset. The first column "dt_partition" will be used to partition the next dataset. dt_partition is of type integer, representing the month (for example 202409). It only contains one value at a time, so the data will go into a single partition. My database is Snowflake. At the output of D1,…
Modify "Answers" WebApp Plugin
Hello all, I have DSS v13.1 , I want to modify the "Answers" plugin to add feature uploading documents (pdfs, images, excel, word …etc) , like the one used in chatgpt 4 for example . What is the best way to do so? Operating system used: Linux - Debian 11