I have a problem when using a python recipe that uses the kubernetes engine when running. I checked the log step by step, the python process should have been completed, but for some reason the kuberne…
Hello, I'm trying to automate the deployment of Dataiku so I need to configure a few things to be set up automatically. I figured out how to do that for users and groups, for fine grained permissions …
I have a scenario that builds and exports a Dashboard and survived several Dataiku version upgrades until now. When the scenario runs I have a Reporter that exports the Dashboard into a PDFs and sends…
Hello there I'm at the final step of the core designer certif and have 4 invalid cells in the row on countries ( cote d'ivoire, Vatican,Rdc , Timor) . I'm not sure it is normal as I dont see any menti…
I am getting the following error on a standard prepare recipe in the post-activity checks "Activity checks produced 1 error." The screenshot is the end of the activity log and no other details are giv…
Hi, usually the DataScienceStudio.app detects new DSS releases and asks the user to update. But this time, I am getting any update notifications even a newer version of Dataiku is available. My curren…
Hi, I have a scheduled project scenario that sends an email on some condition. The scenario contains a step that sets scenario variables based on values in a dataset. Here's that step: import dataiku …
Failed to start cluster : <class 'azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError'> : (AuthorizationFailed) The client 'xxxx-xxx-xxx-xx' with object id 'xxxx-xxx-xxx-xx' does not have authorization to perform…
Hello, I set up a model with DSS machine learning modules. In my scenario, I've made a special step to run the model training queries. Will this step re-train the model and modify the model coefficien…
Hi Team, When I am trying to embed a dataset in Dataiku with textual data, I encounter this error: Error in Python process: <class 'Exception'>: At least one embedding request failed: HTTP code: 429, …