Permission denied to start the dataiku docker container
Hi, i'm trying to run the dataiku docker container, but i have the permission denied message on start the container. Am i doing something wrong? My steps are: # docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello-world latest 1815c82652c0 13 days ago 1.84kB #docker run hello-world Hello from Docker! This message shows…
Webapp backend Bokeh or Shiny fails on Docker
Hello, I can't use Bokeh or Shiny webapp when DSS is running in Docker, the backend log shows the following, and hangs until it fails: [FT-StartWaitThread-gzPzm1u5-234] [INFO] [dku.webapps.bokeh] - [ct: 2750] Get http://localhost:50890 [FT-StartWaitThread-gzPzm1u5-234] [INFO] [dku.webapps.backends] - [ct: 2755] Failed to…
Running DSS as Docker Container in Azure App Service
Hi, I would like to confirm if we can run a DSS as docker container in Azure App Service. I know that its possible to run it in the Azure VM with the predefined image from dataiku. Thanks and Regards, Manu
Dataiku Docker File vs. Dataiku VirtualBox ISO File
All my enviroment problems are gone, since using the Virtualbox ISO you provieded. Now i set up a VM with a Container using your Docker file. Again I want to use your forecast plug in and when using the "clean" step, i get the error that the "zoo" package is missing. This error is the same that i got NOT using your…
DSS Docker - license file
Hey, I installed DSS with: docker run -p 10000:10000 -v MYDIR:/home/dataiku/dss -d dataiku/dss now I accessed my container where i find the under -v specified folder system i know that i have to put the license file under DATA_DIR/config/license.json with normal installation I know that DATA_DIR/bin/dss is the normal…
DSS Container execution for other type of recipes than Python/R
Hi, is there a plan to support container execution (i.e. pushing the job to Docker or Kubernetes) for DSS sync recipes (reading from S3 and writing to HDFS) and for Pyspark recipes? Some of these recipes can cause a significant load on the DSS node, and it would be nice to have a possibility to run it on the docker, Thanks
Update R for Dataiku running in docker
Hi there, just wanted to update my R version for Dataiku running in docker. My approach was to follow the standard instructions given here: https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/installation/r.html Unfortunately, the /bin/dss stop command on the docker system (exec'd into docker) already gave DSS supervisor is not running…
Error when starting Dataiku on Docker
Hello, I'm getting this error "container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "exec: \"\": executable file not found in $PATH"" when I'm clicking start button. Where is the executable file and what is it name? Thank you in advance. P.S. sorry for my english.
dssadmin build-code-env-images not a valid command
Hi guys, Following the documentation of using docker containers for job deployments I had to run ./bin/dssadmin/build-code-env-images --all However, this command isn't recognised by dssadmin itself although it is listed as a command in the CLI. [dataiku@dataiku-production dataiku-data]$ ./bin/dssadmin Usage: dssadmin…
hdfs/hadoop configuration for dss docker container,docker running in cloudera node host (secure clus
Hi there, was checking for a guide/scripts on this specific scenario. also to know if it is doable/possible scenario? Docker dataiku dss container is running on a cloudera CDH host. Cloudera cluster needs kerberos ticket for authentication. After reading available materials, thinking the best approach would be to install…