Is it possible (supported) to change a PROJECT NAME ?

simon_levasseur Registered Posts: 3 ✭✭✭✭

I see in the interface that we can rename a project.

Is this something supported ?

(ie: will we be able to run/build anything after renaming the project without any problem ?)

If I try, I can already see that the project name changed, but the web address to this project still shows the old name... for ex:

- my project was name : "old_project"

- I connect to it like : serverip:10000/old_project/

- Then I change the name to: "new_project"

- when opening this new project, I still see the address: serverip:10000/old_project/

=> Any potential issue for that ? In case yes, can we roll-back & put the "old_project" name again to fix ?



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