Error with "Optical Character Recognition (OCR)"
Hello, When I try to use the recipe "Optical Character Recognition (OCR)" on a folder containing grayscaled pictures (obtained with "Greyscale" recipe), it fails. The error type is: "Error in Python process: At line 22: <class 'ImportError'>: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Can you…
Prepare recipe: the preview is full of data but the results are empty
Hello Community, I am actually helping one of my team work on preparation of data with: - Prepare recipe (running in Partially in database) engine. (Due to multiple data connections) - with some simple script elements (parse data, extract data componants) the preview is as it is as you can see the data is present in the…
Dataiku Online Users What databases do you use?
We are considering a migration to Dataiku Online. To All Dataiku Online Users What database do you use with your Dataiku online instance? How much data are you loading into that data? How do you find the setup? Operating system used: Mac OS Senoma 14.4.1
Using the chart functionality for a dataset from data warehouse
Hi, I have a table that resides in data warehouse. Once I create a connection to that table in Dataiku, I would like to directly explore the data without doing any additional processing, so I was hoping to use the "Chart" tab available when I double-click on the dataset. I had initially selected the option "In-database"…
XML Parsing= > Python recipe
Hello, I would like to get a Python recipe to upload easily my XML file in Dataiku. If anyone as this magic recipe, I would appreciate Many thanks
How to export a saved model, as zip file, in a managed folder?
It would be great to have some help from the community: "How to export a saved model, as zip file, in a managed folder?" It seems like that I need to do it two steps: # Step 1: save the model as a zip file at the instance where the current project is running # Step 2: upload the zip file from the instance location to the…
SQL Statement in Dataiku, not recognizing function
I am trying to return the YEAR and MONTH of a date in SQL using the YEAR and MONTH functions in a SQL recipe. For some reason YEAR is being registered but the DSS does not like MONTH. Can someone help me troubleshoot why? Thank you
Replicating Statistics Tab analyses on a different dataset
Hi, I am working on a correlation analysis. I prepared my data and started using the statistics tab in the dataset to generate correlation matrix and other statistical summaries. As I was looking at the scatter plot results, I realized that there were outliers in the data that I wanted to clip. So, I decided to run a…
difference between rows
i have a data which has years, column, sales column, i want to create another column difference which calculates the diffeence between the years , how can i do that an what formula should i use ?
Ideas for using partitioned and non-partitioned datasets in parallel
Hi! So I have this case in which I have dataset, in which I receive files every 30 minutes. I have to process the files as soon as they arrive, so for that I had to partition them by hour (to be able to process only the latest hour). But I also need to have an option to run a "reprocess" on the whole dataset. Unfortunately…