@Turribeach Great summary, thanks again!
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Added on September 30, 2024 11:53AM
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Replies: 4
I would like to add the Project wiki at the top of my scenario email template and add the image of the flow below that. Is this possible?
Operating system used: Windows10
Doable but will need some work. This code snippet will download the flow documentation into a managed folder zip file:
import dataiku
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()
flow = project.get_flow()
folder = dataiku.Folder("Some_Managed_Folder") flow_documentation = flow.generate_documentation()
folder.upload_stream("flow_export.zip", flow.download_documentation_stream(flow_documentation.wait_for_result()['exportId']))
Inside this zip file you will find an image the flow. You can use your own custom flow document generator template to get a simpler export. Wikis can be read via the Dataiku API, sample code:
The wiki content will be in markdown format so you will need to export it to pure HTML using something like the Markdown Python package.
With regards to inline vs attachments you need to encode the image in Base64 to send them in inline HTML in the email.
Finally since you are going to be heavily customing the email it will be best to use the channel send() method directly rather than a reporter.
@Turribeach Great summary, thanks again!
Will be great if you share your solution back with the Dataiku Community, sounds like a useful use case. Perhaps even doing a Dataiku Plugin?
Will do, once we validate it.