Why is the recipe saying Dataset doesn't exist after the dataset has been created?
Registered Posts: 10 ✭✭
I am facing a strange issue where even after a dataset is getting created, the code is saying that dataset doesn't exists. Following is the function that I am using which has 3 steps -
1. Creating a table in the database
2. Creating a dataset in DSS and connecting it to the table created in 1
3. Writing a pandas dataframe with schema in the dataset created, thereby in the table
The function is working fine when I am running it manually in a cell in a notebook. But it throws an error saying that the dataset doesn't exist when I try to run it as a recipe.
def create_preview_data_in_sqls(df, filename, preview_tab): preview_tabs = ['raw', 'eda']
preview_file_name = filename
# 1. Create a temporary table in SQL Server using SQLExecutor2
ms_proj_connection = dataiku.get_custom_variables()["ms_project_connection"]
ms_proj_database = dataiku.get_custom_variables()["ms_project_database"]
ms_proj_schema = dataiku.get_custom_variables()["ms_project_schema"]
ms_executor = SQLExecutor2(connection=ms_proj_connection)
query = f"""CREATE TABLE {preview_file_name} (temp_col int);"""
ms_executor.query_to_df(query, post_queries=['COMMIT'])
# 2. Create a dataset in Dataiku using create_sql_table_dataset connecting with the above table
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_project(dataiku.default_project_key())
zone = project.get_flow().get_zone("1ldxijf")
dataset = project.create_sql_table_dataset(dataset_name = preview_file_name,
type = 'SQLServer',
connection = ms_proj_connection,
table = preview_file_name,
schema = ms_proj_schema,
catalog = None)
settings = dataset.autodetect_settings()
# 3. Write with schema the df in the dataset/table
dkuDataset = dataiku.Dataset(preview_file_name, ignore_flow=True)
return f'Preview table name {preview_file_name}'
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,160 Neuron
Can you please post the full error trace? What exactly are you trying to achieve with this code? Why can you not preview tables using the Explore tab?