Java installation error on MacOs
Hello I keep having this install error with java. I have a MacOS (MacBook Pro 2023 M2 max chip). (This is also true on another older MacBook Pro with an intel chip by the way and an another very recent MacBook Air). DSS keeps saying that it does not find java 11.0.22. From the drowdown menu here I choose version 12 of…
Java installation error
Hi all. I previously had DI installed, but the last upgrade presented me with a java installation error. I eventually deleted the app and tried to install from scratch, but I get the same error. Unfortunately the log does not tell me much. ... [2022-01-11 16:19:11.962 -0500] INFO: downloading…
Can't connect to
found this error while running the dss vm 4.773486 [drm:vnw_hot_log [vmwgfx]] ERROR Failed to send host log message
How to install API Node AWS?
I need to install the API Node on AWS. I have installed the Design, Deploy, and Automation nodes through Fleet Manager. However, I have realized that the API Node cannot be installed through Fleet Manager. How should I install the API Node on AWS? ※ I have experience installing and utilizing the API Node on-premises.…
How To Deactivate "Profile upgrade request" for end users on the UI
Hello fellow Dataikers, Hope all is well! We have an internal method for managing profile upgrade requests (i.e. changing a "viewer" to "designer"). We want to disable the option for end users to request a "profile upgrade request" through the UI since the end users need to go through the dedicated internal method for…
Issue with JDBC Connection: Port 20005 Redirecting to Port 443
Hello Dataiku Community, I am experiencing an issue while trying to connect Dataiku to a Progress database using the JDBC driver. Despite specifying port 20005 in the JDBC URL, the connection attempt seems to redirect to port 443, resulting in a timeout error. Here are the details: JDBC URL…
Use my own Python code in a DataIKU code_env
Hi I have a library of Python packages that I want to use in DataIKU. How do I load them into a Code_Env when they are not in a pip repository (or the pip is private and cannot be accessed by DataIKU).
Managing Code Environment Permissions: Hiding a Code Environment from Other Users
We have numerous code environments on our Dataiku platform, making it cumbersome to select a specific environment in a notebook from an endless list (see the following image). We attempted to remove a code environment from this list by unchecking the option "Usable by all" (see the following image). However, unchecking…
import dataiku Error Message
Here is the error message I get when I am trying to import dataiku. My installed packages are shown in the following picture. In fact for creating a kernel I have used Python 3.9, Pandas 1.3, in addition to the latest versions of matplotlib, numpy, sklearn, xgboost, hyperopt, kds, sklearn2pmml.
import packages warnings
When I am importing packages, I get the warnings you see in the pictures. What are they and how can I get rid of them?