Project Native Dataiku Applications
Apologies if there is a workaround for this item ahead of time or if this goes against the spirit of Dataiku applications. Dataiku applications are a big hit on my team. We can spin up forms easily to parameterize models, automate and scale user actions effectively, and much more. However, the one caveat is that in many of…
Warn during Project Duplication when Project Names get to Looooong....
User Story: As a Data Analyst who periodically duplicates Dataiku DSS projects, I would like to be warned if the project name gets so long that the copied project will not work reliably. This would save a bunch of time during project duplications Conditions of Satisfaction: * If the project name gets longer during…
Add support for Snowflake key-pair authentication
Currently the dataiku only support "User/Password" and "OAuth" for Snowflake connection. Snowflake has Key-pair authentication https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/key-pair-auth, which I would like to use for my service accounts.
Hover over a Data object in Flow showing Last Build Location
User Story As a Data Analyst when working in a flow I'd like to be able to tell actually how long a particular data set took to build when viewing the flow in "Last Build Duration View". This would allow faster spotting and understanding which parts of a flow take a long time and are slow down the overall perfomance of the…
Also display user name when tagging users
When tagging users in discussions (@user), only the login name is displayed. Not everyone knows everyone else's login name, because they're based on employee key in our system due to SSO. It would be very helpful to (also) display the actual Dataiku name as mentioned at the top of a user's profile when tagging.
Display data labels on mixed chart of line and bars
There is no option to display values of data labels on the mixed chart of line and bar charts as shown in the below screenshot. However, there is option for that in the horizontal stacked bar chart. Can I request for this feature since it seems technically plausible to do? Thanks. Loc
In fuzzy join visual recipe add the option for strict inequality when joining columns
Background: As a data analyst that works with "dirty data" I regularly have to identify duplicate records. The Fuzzy Join visual recipe is helpful with this challenge. This will typically be done with a self join of a dataset with itself and a column or columns that represents the data items to be considered for the…
Switching off particular features for a particular partition in partitioned model
While developing the partitioned model, the features selected are common to all the partitioned models. Is it possible to select market-specific features while developing partitioned models? for e.g. , I'm developing a partitioned model at a market level. Certain features applicable to the "California" market need not be…
Make streamlit webapp a default choice
Hi, I am not sure why streamlit is tied to code studios. Why not just make it a default code-based webapp choice like below? Where the user can use the code environment configured within the project. thx
Improve logging events to allow to trace back errors to actual objects
We regularly our backend logs as there is always lots of user errors that need to be cleaned up (see some samples on this other idea). However some log events do not provide enough information to allow to trace back the errors to actual objects. Here are the ones I have found so far:…