Granting Editing and Webapp Launch Capabilities to Explorer License Users

Tanguy Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Dataiku DSS Developer, Neuron 2023 Posts: 124 Neuron


Our project managers hold DSS explorer licenses, but they are limited in two important ways:

  • Editing Wikis: While they can help document projects in DSS wikis, they are unable to insert images (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 : Error message shown to an "explorer" user attempting to insert an image in a wiki where they have editing permissions.

  • Launching Webapps: Although explorer users can access webapps developed by designers, they cannot launch them if they are stopped (see Figure 2). This is particularly restrictive because in our organization, webapps on the Design node are typically shut down daily. This leaves explorer users unable to interact with these webapps without assistance from a designer.

Figure 2 : Error shown to an "explorer" user attempting to launch a stopped webapp.

Is it possible to grant additional permissions to explorer license users to overcome these limitations? If so, could someone guide us on how to configure this? Otherwise, could you clarify why these permissions are restricted for explorer license users? It feels as though they are given only partial access to certain features they should ideally be able to interact with fully.

Thank you for your assistance.

Operating system used: Alma linux 8


  • Turribeach
    Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,160 Neuron

    Editing Wikis: You can develop a Webapp that allows them to upload images using an admin API key behind the webapp and the Dataiku API upload_attachement() method.

    Launching webapps: I would agree with Dataiku that Explorers shouldn't really be able to start or stop webapps as this is beyond the scope of an Explorer users. You should really be setting your Webapps to Auto-start (in Setting) so they are always available. You could also monitor them using the Dataiku API. However if you want to shut them down or keep them stopped you can easily develop a webapp that could allow Explorer users to start webapps using an admin API key behind the webapp. Of course you will need to keep thi "start webapp" webapp running all the time so they start other webapps. Alternatively you could also build some automation using your pipeline tool of choice (ADO, Jenkins, etc) so users could self-serve starting webapps.

    None of these solutions are ideal but they work. So at least you have a way to work around the problem using the Python APIs.

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