Cannot find image variable type

I follow the example to create a deep model for mnist dataset. On the design page of features handling, I cannot see Image in the variable type list (see the attachment). But in the example document, there is a Image type in the variable type list. Do I need to install some plugin? I think the example to build a deep learning model for images is not well documented. The document is not presented step by step. Many steps has been skipped, which is hard to understand.
Best Answer
From your screen shot, it seems that your are not in the visual Deep Learning editor, but in the Regular Visual Machine Learning editor. Currently, images variables are only available for deep learning.
To go to the DL editor, please follow the How-to steps:
Create a new model with:
- Prediction as the task,
- label as the target variable
- Expert mode as the prediction style
- Deep learning as the Expert mode, then click Create
In particular, it is important to select Deep Learning as template, otherwise, you will not have access to the image variable.
Hope this helps,
Kind regards,
Nicolas Servel