Data Refresh out of a Managed Folder
I have a setup that looks like this. On a design node, I will put an updated MS Excel Spreadsheet into the managed folder shown as Raw_Data, and attempt to rebuild the flow from Clean_Data, expecting that the new data will be discovered and used. Unfortunately, this does not seem to work for me I have to go into the…
Replace empty value based on condition on another row
Hi everyone, I'm trying to fill empty cells on a database based on the value on another row but I am struggling a bit on this. Basically I have a time based table where I have empty cells on some days. I would like to fill those cells with the value of the previous day when they happen to be empty (example below). Input:…
Managing dependencies across the Pipeline: What are the options?
Greetings! How does one propagate newly introduced dependencies on DEV down the line to TEST and PROD? Is this a completely manual process? Are there other mechanisms built into DSS to manage this? Or, is dependency management across the instances a manual endeavor? In my organization, we use a typical DEV, TEST, PROD…
Linking Wikis
I was wondering how to link specific section of another article to a article so that when clicked it will direct you to that articles sections. Also how to you bring in metadata from dss objects into articles Operating system used: AWS
get_dataframe with columns= parameter fails
Hi Dataiku Team, When i try to read only certain columns from a dataset using the get_dataframe() function. I get an error when trying to read date columns. The only way it works is if i set parse_dates to False. Can you please check if this is how its supposed to work or am i missing something?…
How to call a previous step of the scenario in a Python custom step
Hello, I need to call a previous step of the scenario in a Python custom step, is it possible please? I'm using version 9.01 of dataiku. Thanks in advance, Best regards, Yasmine Operating system used: Python and scenarios
Making a machine learning model on a diseases dataset
Hi all, Currently, I am working on a dataset that includes data about the reasons for mortality per state of the US during 2010 to 2017. I want to focus on Cardiovascular diseases. Now I have to make a machine learning model but cannot figure out what next steps I should make and what the expected output variable should…
GPU support for recipes
Hi, Is it possible to run code recipes with GPU? I am able to train object detection or classification tasks on the GPU. However it seems that when I run custom code recipes or notebooks, the GPU isn't used.
Sharepoint Plugin (Selected path does not exist)
Hello, https://companyname.sharepoint.com/teams/DaaSDeliveryOps/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fteams%2FHPDaaSDeliveryOps%2FShared%20Documents%2FAPM%20Customer%20Funnel%2FRenewals%2FRAW%20Renewal%20Data&FolderCTID=0x01200065B7A8E0A5173D4B84221857A4D7A336 I have this link above where there are several…
Time serie issue - Time column 'SHIP_DT' has missing values with frequency
Hello, I keep getting this error. And the sugestion "You can use the Time Series Preparation plugin to resample your time column." Which is something I did of course. I can see that I have continuous dates and all the cells are filled. [2022/03/10-16:04:31.045] [null-out-105] [INFO] [dku.utils] - *************** Recipe…