shahas71 Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 12

Hi Everyone,

What I'm trying to do is to use python code as the initial step inside a prepare recipe to filter out the data & do some calculation at the initial step. But getting error like dataiku is not defined etc..any methods that has to be followed so as to write python code inside a prepare recipe???

Thanks in advance

Operating system used: windows


  • shahas71
    shahas71 Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 12

    consider this as an example. needs to filter select only columns 1-6 & skip 7 & 8.

    The above dummy data first has to be separated based on the below rule and then the multiplication has to be implemented :

    Rule 1 : if there is only a in column, & some other values in other columns, then multiply everything by ab

    rule 2 : if there exists a & b, then multiply by xy

    rule 3 : if a, b, c then multiply by xyz

    note : if a condition satisfies, multiplication has to be implemented on all the values in that row.

    Need a python code that does everything as the 1st step inside a prepare recipe.

    Can someone give a step by step answer to this??

    Thanks in advance

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