Unable to view models in TIMESERIES sample gallery project

srinivas_anand Registered Posts: 5 ✭✭✭✭

I can enter the Visual Analysis in the TIMESERIES (http://gallery.dataiku.com/projects/TIMESERIES/flow/) project, but unable to view the model. Please see attached screenshot. What do I need to do to be able to get to this part of the project?





  • Alan_Fusté
    Alan_Fusté Partner, Registered Posts: 43 Partner


    I think that you can solve this going to Admin > Security > Users and there you will find a Profile select, you have to change it to Data Scientist.

    The admin is the Administration of the Dataiku Instance:

  • srinivas_anand
    srinivas_anand Registered Posts: 5 ✭✭✭✭
    Unfortunately, I don't see the Administration option. Do I have to login to the gallery? I appear to be logged in as @dss_user. I can't upload screenshots to show what I see, but my options under Apps are

    Projects, Catalog, Wikis, Discussions, Model API Deployer, Automation Monitoring, Plugins Development, Global Shared Code, and Meanings.
  • Alan_Fusté
    Alan_Fusté Partner, Registered Posts: 43 Partner
    I think that you use a different version than mine.
    Try to go to DSS Homepage if I don't remember bad, there is some link to administration (at top navbar).
    If you are running like user you will have to contact to the administrator (or log in like administrator) in order to change your profile to Data Scientist.
  • srinivas_anand
    srinivas_anand Registered Posts: 5 ✭✭✭✭
    This is in http://gallery.dataiku.com/home/, a site you folks are curating. Its not on our company's instance. Should I be contacting my account manager or open a new ticket to get more access than dss_user?
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