Display user id on Scenario Last Runs screen

I am surprised this is missing from the GUI but what really surprises me more is that it's not even shown in the logs.The fact that one needs to query the API to get this data should be a good indication that both logging and GUI need to have an overhaul. I have posted a Product Idea feel free to vote for it. It also asks for the "Run As" user ID to be shown. If the scenario is set to Run As = Last Author the Run As user can suddently change if another user makes a change in the scenario which may cause the scenario to fail due to missing permissions, secrets, etc.
Best Answer
@Turribeach This has been fixed in the upcoming 13.0.2 release.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,248 Neuron
You are a star! This will be a huge helper for our users!
I'm not. The developer who did it … is the real one :)
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,248 Neuron
Well pass my thanks to them then! Now if I could now the user ID on the Last Runs screen (see Idea below) we will be golden! 😎
User ID changes in scenarios are a constant operational pain for us as users leave/join our company, projects get handed over between authors and project permissions are not always updated in line with these personnel changes. So knowing what the user ID a scenario it's going to run as it's as important as knowing what it did run as. This new feature would allow us to quickly see any User ID changes and relate them to scenario failures if appropiate. And in the case of manual trigger is very hard to find this information.