Use global variables to define parameters in model design

minliang1215 Registered Posts: 4 ✭✭✭✭

Is it possible to use global variables to define parameters when we design the built-in model, so that every time when we want to change the values, we can just modify the global variables instead of inserting the values one by one in the design page?



  • AdrienL
    AdrienL Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 196 Dataiker

    Thank you for the feedback, that is unfortunately not supported.

    Best regards,
  • AdrienL
    AdrienL Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 196 Dataiker
    To add to that, there are some productivity helpers when changing the algorithm & features handling settings:
    - Use "Revert design to this session" to go back to a previous session's settings
    - Since DSS 5.1.3, you can copy algorithm (and also features handling) settings from one modeling task to another
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