Environment Update Failed because R package could not be installed.

adityaj Registered Posts: 2 ✭✭✭✭


I am trying to install the "quanteda" package in my code environment but getting an error message. The error message is as follows:

In addition: Warning messages:1: In install.packages(toInstall, "/DataikuDev/code-envs/R/aditya_j_env/R.lib", : installation of package ‘sna’ had non-zero exit status2: In install.packages(toInstall, "/DataikuDev/code-envs/R/aditya_j_env/R.lib", : installation of package ‘quanteda’ had non-zero exit statusExecution halted

I am asking to install quanteda using Requested Packages (R) and typing "quanteda" (both with and without quotes on separate occassions) but the error persists. R Version is 3.4.1 and in one instance of Dataiku DSS I am able to install quanteda 1.2.0, but not on the other instance.

Is there a way to identify what would be causing this issue?


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