Group recipe aggregating median

Registered Posts: 42 ✭✭✭✭
Using the Group recipe I can select most aggregations, but not the median. Is it not possible to calculate the median using Group?
Using the Group recipe I can select most aggregations, but not the median. Is it not possible to calculate the median using Group?
The median aggregation is not available visually in the group by recipe. The alternative is to create a custom aggregation in the group by recipe using SQL.
I hope this helps.
Pauline -
This is a solution but a very annoying one to script for.
Also would it really be hard to make this an option just like the AVG? -
We are already considering it for the future versions of Dataiku DSS!
hello @Paulinesco
, has this feature been added yet?
I need it, and have done a "median" search in the documentation, but didn't find much -
Actually, seems using Univariate analysis in the interactive statistics does the trick:
Yep, that works, but isn't perfect: I need to calculate some 40 medians... and really need that to be "automated"... building 40 Univariate analysis will be tedious...
Might try the Window recipe trick indicated here