DSS 4.3.1 can't find pandoc - or version 2.2.1

biodan25 Registered Posts: 2 ✭✭✭✭

From RStudio, pandoc works with my markdown documents. Within DSS, I can run R recipes and R notebooks (so DKURBIN is ok), but when I try to run the Markdown demo, I get

Error: pandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (see the help page ?rmarkdown::pandoc_available). # this yields no result when run inside a notebook

Yet: /Applications//RStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/pandoc/pandoc --version ## pandoc So is there env variable to be set for panda in the env-site.sh script?

UPDATE: installed pandoc-2.2.1. /usr/local/bin/pandoc --version # yields 2.2.1. yet after re-starting DSS, same issue - DSS can't find it and complains with needing > ver 1.12.3


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