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Added on September 16, 2020 4:02PM
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Replies: 4
Just installed v8 and was interested in the new automated model documentation. For the model result information, I get the following error. Is there a workaround to fix this problem.
Working with Ubuntu LTS 18.04 LTS on laptop
A placeholder resolution partially failed The placeholder {{design.chosen_algorithm_search_strategy.text}} failed to retrieve information from the web interface. (Error on "[puppeteer-hook="decision_tree_classification"]")
This is an example of the error I receive.
Please note that these errors are not fatal. What happens when you click on the "Download" button?
Hi Clément, thanks for answering.
When I download the file it is filled with information till the placeholder which hold the metric of the model. So every warning placeholder results in no information.
Tried on multiple models and creating new one just in case it was due to upgrading but same errors every time.
Could you please reproduce the issue.
Then, could you please open a support ticket ( and attach a diagnostic of the DSS instance (Administration > Maintenance > Diagnostic tool)?
Note that you need to be administrator of the DSS instance - else you'll need to ask your admin
If the resulting file is too large for the suppoprt portal (> 15 MB), you can use to send it to us. Please don't forget to send the link that is generated when you upload the file.